part 2; carrying along

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You awoke on a leather couch, your vision still blurry from whatever the hell was in that drink. You tried to stand, but the room you were in was seemingly swaying from side to side, causing your still weak knees to buckle. You decided it was best to sit back down. You couldn't tell if it was actually happening or not, but the room was bobbing up and down, causing your head to rock back and forth. You gripped each side of your head and held it in place. You still had a stabbing migraine, but not nearly as much pain in your stomach as you did on the pier. As your vision cleared, your eyes shot around the room, looking for any possible exit. On the left side of the room, you saw a door with a porthole window dead in the center. Carefully running your hands against the wall, trying to steady yourself, you headed towards it. You placed your finger tips on the dusty rim of the small, circular window. Standing on your tippy toes, you looked out. And to your surprise, you saw the ocean. "That explains this horrible rocking," you thought out loud, your eyes glued to the window. And that's when you saw someone walk by.
Murdoc didn't even glance towards the direction of the door, which you were thankful for. It took you a moment to come to the sudden realization that you were indeed; kidnapped. You dashed back to the couch, pressing your body against it. To your right, was a large brown bag. You quickly snatched it, pulling it back as fast as you could, holding it tight against your body. You opened it, rummaging through it, hoping to find something to knock this bastard out with, so you could possibly turn this ship around and sail home. You pulled out nothing but liquor, the leather jacket of yours that has been laid next to your guitar case, and... a few condoms. You shuttered as you pulled them out, your mind filled with disgusting visuals of that repulsive green man's body. And then you began to think of his body on yours. You quickly shook your head, trying to remove said images, but doing so only increased your headache. You stood up, keeping your balance by pressing your knees into the brown leather couch that had the things from the bag spread out on it.
You grabbed a heavy bottle of rum, smacking it gently on your opposing hand. "This... this is fine," you said to yourself, beginning to chuckle softly. "This is fucking fine! I've just been kidnapped by someone whom I've based my whole life around, and now, aha, and now I get to knock the ever loving shit out of him." Your voice got ever so shaky as you reached the end of your sentence. Sure, Murdoc was somewhat skinny, but he wasn't scrawny. This man was around 5'7", making him taller than you, making him have an advantage, which in turn made him stronger than you. You took a deep breath in and began to stride towards the door. The swaying of the room seemed less severe then before, or maybe you had just gotten used to it. You slowly creaked open the door, being careful not to make a sound. You peeked your head out, glancing around, checking for Murdoc or anyone else he may have with him. You took a long step out of the door, and proceeded cautiously down the side of the boat.
You stopped quickly, though, when you began to hear soft hums coming from the front end of the ship, where Murdoc must be steering. You took steps only where you were sure the boards of the rickety boat wouldn't squeak. You inched towards his back, your heart pounding harder, louder and faster with each step you took. Your palms began to get sweaty, your bottom lip trembling. You shouldn't be this scared, but you were terrified. Should I just... give up? Should I just go back to that room? Or should I... emerged in your thoughts, you stepped on a loose plank of wood, causing your foot to slip, which resulted in you falling to the ground with a loud thud. "FUCK!" Shouted Murdoc, as he whipped around to look at you, a scowl on his face. Shit shit shit shit shit, you thought as your breathing quickened and your stomach began to flip. Murdoc walked towards you rather quickly, a blank expression. He reached a hand out towards you, and expecting a hit, you flinched. "Ahaha, c'mon up now. I should've warned you of the shitty boards along the front of the boat, eh?" His hand remained extended to you, and you let your eyes travel from his wrist up to his face. He was grinning. His disgusting, yellowed teeth showing. You extended your left arm out towards his hand, and he grabbed your wrist and swiftly pulled you to your feet. Without hesitation, you socked him in his already broken nose. "AGH! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?" He glared at you, but the glare soon turned back into his usual seductive smirk. "Oh, silly of me to ask, hm lov? It's obvious you're afraid of me, but you shouldn't be~" You said nothing, but gripped the bottle of rum tighter. "Hm? Oh! How considerate of you, ya brought something for us to drink while we chat! You truly are a doll."
"What do you want from me." Your brain pushed these words out, forcing you to state it rather than ask. "Hm, we'll be sure to talk about all of that. But let's sit down. Even though I should be used to this rocking by now, my legs are kind of shaky, and a princess such as yourself must be pretty exhausted from all this plotting~" he glanced down at the bottle of liquor in your hand, but quickly looked back up at you to maintain eye contact. His hand still firmly gripped your wrist as he began to pull you up a small flight of stairs, bringing you to what looked like a lounge.
The room was nicer than the rest of the boat for sure. It had a cheesy leopard rug, a twin sized mattress with deep red sheets, blankets, and pillow covers, and it had a desk with an ash tray and several candles. Beneath the desk was a large crate, filled to the brim with chips and drinks. Murdoc strutted over to the bed and laid himself out on it, patting the sheets in front of him for you to come lay next to him. You took in a deep breath, and walked forward. You've been kidnapped by the man, and now you're being seduced. You made your way over to the bed, and rather than laying down like Murdoc insisted you did, you sat down on the edge of it. Murdoc sighed and sat up, taking off his little fake sailors hat and tossing it to the floor. He yanked the bottle out of your hand and popped it open with a screwdriver on the desk next to him. He cleared his throat and took a big swig of it. He then threw his arms into the air, like he was showing off something stunning. "You! You, my dear! You are going to be a part of my new album!" He exclaimed, expecting you to be as excited as he was. You tilted your head, a strand of your (h/c) hair falling over your eyes. Murdoc let out a soft chuckle and used his long, lizard like finger to move the Strand behind your ear. "Confused, lov?~" he asked, a smirk plastered on his smug green face yet again, as he took another drink of the rum. "I... I thought that Gorillaz disbanded? I thought that Noodle was gone, anyway..." his smirk faded, and his expression went to a more serious one. "Bands can get back together, ya'know?" You nodded as if you understood, when you truly had so many other questions. "Good to see you understand, then! Anyway, what's your name princess? How old are ya? You... you are above 18, right?" Ohp, and there it was again, that almost sickening smirk.
You smiled a little, clearing your throat. "Y-yes sir," you replied, twiddling your thumbs. You decided it's best to be nice and respect your kidnapper, so maybe he would be respectful and kind to you. "My name is (y/n), and I'm 29 now." He nodded at you and laughed under his breath. "Good good, then you're of legal age to drink and to... consent..." he licked his lips, looking you up and down. Okay, so maybe he wouldn't respect you. But you still had a hope he'd be nice. "Oh, er, yeah. I never drink though. I travel a lot," He nodded again, taking yet another large swig of the rum.
"So, I'm assuming you lived in ya car? Seeming how you're always at that pier," you got a knot in your stomach. He's been watching you, listening to you, for God knows how long. You simply nodded, pushing that aside for now, and you decided to ask him a few questions that have been cluttering your mind for the past few hours. "So, Mr.Niccalls..." he cut you off, placing his long, dirty finger over your lips again. "Please, (y/n), call me Muddz. Or daddy. Or king. Any is fine~" he moved his hand over to your cheek and left it there as you spoke, causing your face to flush yet again. "Oh, erm, yes...Muddz, why did you choose me?" He let his hand drop from your face down to your knee in disbelief.
"Are you bloody fucking serious?? Have you ever heard yourself? Your voice, the way you strum the guitar, those two things alone get me rather excited! Eheh, but truly, I thought you'd be a cocky son-ova-bitch!" His words came out sharp and expressive, and it made your heart start to pound again. "Thank you, Muddz, that really does mean a lot to me. I've... I've actually looked up to you for so long now. Not necessarily your life style, but the way you play your bass. It's amazing, you play with such passion and it really inspires me to play the same way you do. You really are a talented man, and even if you did kidnap me, I really appreciate you applauding me. It really means a lot. Thank yo-" and with that, he lunged on to you, placing his lips smack down on yours.

2-D X Reader; Taken out to Sea Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant