part 12; nights like these

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  The two of you laid there, cuddled up close, his arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace. He was focused on the movie, but you were focused on him. You knew the pattern of his breathing by now, and you began to breathe with him. Your hearts beating in sync, but what you didn't expect was a sudden tight grasp on your arm. You looked down at his hand, and up at him. You then saw the horror in his face, and you finally decided to direct your view to the movie. Just like Jeepers Creepers, this movie really wasn't all that scary to you. But then again, 2D was obviously afraid of some things that weren't all that frightening to others, hence the whale. His sudden tight grips on your arm and little jumps made you giggle, he was really damn scared of this movie. "W-Wow..." he said, glancing at you for a spilt second, "yew aren't as scared of this movie as yew said yew'd be, or maybe imma pussy..." you smiled for a second, but then saw the slight sadness in his face. Did he not like that you were braver than him? Did he want you to be scared too? You immediately clung to him, causing him to look at you again, this time his focus fully on you. "Oh! No, no, trust me. I'm terrified... I just didn't want to bother you." You felt him pull you in closer and tighter, and you felt both of your heart beats speed up. "(Y/n)..." he said softly, his voice nothing more than a whisper. You continued to watch the movie, knowing that if your eyes met you would probably throw up everywhere due to anxiety. You felt him rest his head on yours, and you felt those damned wasps fly back into your stomach? "Yew won't bother mew wif some cuddles, I rather like hugs 'n such." You could feel him smile, and you did the same. You leaned your head over and rested it in between his head and shoulder, and continued to watch the movie.
  At the end, the two of you weren't as tired as you had been the other night, which was a good sign. It meant you were well rested despite how late you had stayed up, and it also meant that you could stay down there with him longer. He slid his arm out from under you and got up, lighting a few candles. You decided to get up too, throwing away the empty popcorn bag and taking a sip of the wine. You looked over at your guitar that was resting on a chair, and swooped it up. You plopped back down on his bed and mindlessly strummed to the song 5/4, which made him immediately direct his attention over to you. "YEW KNOW HOW TO PLAY THAT SONG??" His eyes beemed and he fell down on the bed, looking up at you, seemingly amazed. "Oh! Uh, yeah! My ex taught me how to play the chorus of it when we were on the road together, after evicted..." you looked down at your guitar briefly, and then back up at him, smiling weakly. He sat up and inched closer to you, humming the words as you played. He swayed back and forth and shut his eyes as he began to sing, nudging you, trying to encourage you to join in. You blushed, not knowing whether you wanted to sing with him or not. You cleared your throat and remembered how much Murdoc loved your voice, and you began to gently sing with him.
  Your voices filled the otherwise silent room as they began to blend together, creating perfect harmony. He opened his eyes and looked at you, almost as if he was checking to see if it was actually you singing. The two of you carried on for a bit, you stopping every once and a while to focus on the guitar since you didn't know how to play it perfectly, but 2D was still proud of you. At the end of the song, he stared into your eyes, a goofy grin plastered on his face. "(Y/n)! No wonder Murdoc took yew, yew sound like 'n angle!" He nodded as he spoke, his hair covering his eyes like an excited puppy. You smiled, your cheeks squishing your eyes closed a bit. You leaned in and moved the hair delicately from over his eyes. "Thank you so much, that really means a lot. I've always adored your voice," He chuckled and quickly pulled you into a hug, which shocked you. You wrapped your arms back around him, and mindlessly ran your fingers through his hair. You felt him body tense up a bit, and then go all loose as you did. He leaned into the side of your head and purred; so you continued to run your fingers through his hair. You'd gently tug every so often, scratching his scalp as you did. He moved his hands so they were on your waist, and he squeezed you gently. Slowly moving you closer as you continued to play with his hair. You slid your hand down from his hair to the middle of his back and began to caress him. Neither of you were saying a single word. The only sounds were the occasional affectionate noise from 2D. He continued to hold you, and you continued to hold him. You felt both of your hearts, your chest being so close to his that it'd be hard not to. They were beating fast, as if they were in a race to see which one would burst faster. You felt his body begin to weigh you down, and you felt his grip on your hips loosen. You shrugged a little, easing him off of you. He still had his arms wrapped around you, and your arms were still around him. "2D," you began, your (e/c) eyes meeting his pitch black ones "are you sleepy?" He shrugged and slid his hand down to his sides, and you did the same. "Ah lil' I guess, I just don' want yew to leave right yet," he moved up to his pillows and laid down, his arms crossed and his head rested in the middle. You moved up next to him and slid a bit under the covers, resting on your side and looking up at him. He reached over and grabbed a cigarette, "Mind if I smoke a bit?" He asked, his cig centimeters away from the candle beside his bed. You shook your head, and he lit it. He pulled it up to his mouth, inhaled deepy, and proceeded to let out a foggy cloud of smoke through his nose and his missing front teeth. He looked at you for a moment, and then went back to smoking. The smoke didn't bother you, but you wondered why he was being so, odd. Usually, he would be jumping around and he'd be incredibly giddy. But now he was just laying there, deep in thought. You pondered over what might be wrong, and then his light hearted voice interrupted your thoughts.
"(Y/n)," he began, putting out the half finished cigarette, rolling over to look at you. "Yeah?"
"Do yew really care 'bout me?"
"Of course I do. What would make you think otherwise?"
"It's just that, not many people seem ta' care 'bout me. And, yew only really just met me,"
He was right about that, you barely knew anything about him. Well, you knew things from interviews, but you didn't know him. "Well, 2D, how about you tell me about yourself ? Your life up until this point?" He looked at you, baffled. "Yew actually want to know...?" You nodded and quickly sat up, grabbing a pillow and squeezing it tightly against your chest. He smiled, sat up slightly, and cleared his throat. "W-where do I start? Ah've never done this..." you shrugged and looked into his eyes.
"Just...start from the beginning."
And so he did; and it took all night. You were exhausted, but you didn't mind a bit. He looked so happy being able to tell someone every single detail about him. During sad parts, you'd give him the occasional hug, and the two of you would sit in silence for a bit. During the exciting parts, he'd move his hands around, trying to be as vivid as possible. "...and then, next thing ah' know, I'm stuck down 'ere! Murdoc hasn't really let me come up much, only for tha' occasional song... he seems to be havin' a bit trouble writin' 'em." You nodded and shrugged, giving him a gentle smile. "Guess that just means more nights like this," 2D chuckled and nodded back at you, his cheeks flushed "Yeah, I guess so..."

2-D X Reader; Taken out to Sea Where stories live. Discover now