Chapter 20: after party

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“ ALISON!!!!” I heard yelling through out the house. I groaned opening my eyes slowly.

“ JOSH” I heard a mans voice.

My head was pounding. I opened my eyes and stood up I was still in my dress and I wasn’t in my room. I was in the living room. I looked around and everything was a mess. I don’t remember anything from the party at all. I saw a leg behind the couch it must have been Monse’s because I knew those heels  and I saw Max laying on the kitchen table shirtless.

“ Alison!” my mom yelled walking in to the living room I quickly stood up stright . Crap why are they back so soon.

“ Hey mom how was your trip” I said sweetly kissing her cheek.

“ What the hell happened!” my dad came in  looking around

“ Daddy” I said hugging him. I was in huge trouble.

“ Explain now!” he said I looked behind him and Saw Chole and Josh's Dad come in with Julie. I gulped where was josh?

“ um Well you see” I said looking around . red up everywhere, clothes, beer and drugs. drugs? how did they get in here? who even takes them?

“ Josh!!!” I heard His mom yell she looked scared

“ We had  a party” I said standing there I saw my mom wake up Monse and she quickly stood up from behind the couch. Max and Josh walk in both shirtless. Damn stop staring. I quickly took a seat next to Monse. Josh sat across from me and Max sat next to me. I looked at him and he smiled.

“ You guys are in huge trouble” My mom said I looked at josh and he just rolled his eyes, he didn’t look in a good mood.  We spent 3 hours getting yelled at by 2 parents. I sighed at everything. We had to clean the house and make it spotless Monse and max had to help . it was awkward around Max and I because of the kiss we shared last night. i didnt want to admit it but it was a really good kiss. it made my feelings very confused. more than they were. everything he told me last night i remembered. did i have a furtue with josh? or was i just a toy?

Josh has been so grumpy so when we finished cleaning the house and after Max took Monse home I could have a chance to talk to him. My parents were playing tennis with Monse parents, and Chloe and Julie were still in hiding. I don’t know where his dad was or went. I went down to the 2nd floor and knocked on his door.


Josh POV

 I heard Alison soft voice behind the door. I sighed she was the last person I wanted to see today. I wasn’t mad at her but I couldn’t face her after what I did. I know I told her not label things but I really felt like I was in a relationship with her, I would be pissed if she was even flirting with a guy. But I slept with someone last night. This morning she was still in the house. Her dad started to yell at me. Of course he knew him and my dad probably talk.

“ Come in” I said I was still shirtless and in sweatpants , her face bright and happy when saw me . if she only knew.

“ Why so grumpy today? “ she asked sitting beside me she bent down and gave me a small kiss on the lips. I pulled her down father Deeping the kiss I could tell she was shocked but after a while she relaxed she straddle me, I wrapped my hands around her legs she cupped my face and our tongues and lips moved in sync .

“ For a second I thought you were mad at me” she pulled away smiling. Her lips bright pink from the kiss we just shared.

“ No just a hang over”  I said trying to smile, flashbacks of me sleeping with girl came to mind. The way she was on top of me . I quickly stood up knocking Ali over me and she fell with a thud.

“ o my god Ali” I said quickly running to her side . she propped up on her elbows

“ Hospital all over again” she said laughing I was glad I didn’t hurt her. I pulled her in to a hug.

“I’m so sorry” the panic of me hurting her all over came to mind. The fact that it will hurt her even more  if she ever finds out.

“ hey its  okay “ she softly said nuzzling her face in to my neck.

“ I’m alright.” She said pulling away. I closed my eyes.

“ Lets go get ice cream” I said standing up. I put on normal clothes and I turn to see Alison looking at Baby pictures.

“ Come on” I say taking her hand in mine and walking out the door.


“ Do you honestly not remember it” I say laughing her face bright red, we talked about how the party went and what we remembered from it, it wasnt much but i did remeber a few things, her on the other hand cant remeber a thing.

“ I didn’t let you” she said shaking her head licking her ice cream.

“ Swear body shots aren’t you thing but you sure can handle when someone is on you” I said eating my ice cream.

“ How many times?” she asked looking down in shame

“ I only let  Max do one, I was drunk and once I saw guys wanted to do one I told them to back up” I remembered that moment of jealousy clearly . I was beyond pissed that Max got to do one. I remember our talk after the school dance

“ No matter how much she loves you, or you love her . I will always be there for her and she already has a place for me in her heart. Unlike you”  at that moment is when I hit him and he hit back. He is my best fighter.

“ Max “ she mumbled

“ Well, Well looks who is here. Having fun with my sloppy seconds?” Claire asked I looked over to see Ali reactions but nothing she was lost in her own thoughts. Claire stood there stupidly waited for a fight.

“ Claire I don’t have time for you shit” she said still looking forward into my eyes. Claire chuckled

“ He isn’t all he seems to be love” the guy next to her pulled her away from the table.

“ Ignore her” she smiled taking her hand in mine. She was calm . I nodded

“ Come on lets go catch a movie”

Alison POV

“ Ill leave a tip”   i smiling i  searched in my pants for change and pulled out a piece of paper. It was the one that the guys threw that night

Julie is such a cutie right Alison?  -Robert

“ What is it?” Josh asked I gulped

 “ Silly note that Monse wrote for me” I put it back in and left some change on the table. I couldn’t tell him now he would freak. I need to talk his dad how did they even know about her. is that why they are hiding?. I stood up and he held my hand walking to the Cinema .

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