"Don't forget me" Laf x Reader

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It was any other day to Lafayette. He was walking around, celebrating the success of the revolution with his friends, his mind occasionally wandering back to how proud Y/N will be when he sees her again. He was actually coming close to her home.

BANG. A loud gunshot sounds from outside Y/N's house. Lafayette breaks into a dead sprint there. He sees Y/N, On her side, Clutching her abdomen. Blood was soaking into her clothes. Mulligan and Laurens took care of the assailant as Laf knelt down and held the love of his life.

"L-Laf-" "Shhhh Mom amour. Save your strength." "Laf, I'm sorry... I was out of place, I..." She couldn't finish her sentance, She started crying. "Mon Amour, Do you remember how we met?" He asked. "O-Of course I do." She answers. "Can you tell me?" He asks. Y/N nods and starts talking.

It was a rainy day, Y/N had been holding her umbrella particularly close to her, not wanting to get wet. She heard someone splashing up behind her, and turned, her curly H/C hair bouncing as she did. She saw Laf. He stopped when he reached her.

"You need to hide. The British are cutting zis city up!" He said quickly. Y/N nodded and hurried to her some, the sound of Gunfire frightening her. Laf had followed her, making sure she's safe. She waited until the British passed and peeked out. She saw someone on the ground.

She didn’t think, She acted. She hurried out and carried the man inside. She lied him down and took to caring for him.

Several hours later, the man came to. Y/N had figured out who this man was, and was glad to have helped him after he had helped her. She had looked to him, just pouring a cool glass of water. "Oh! Good! You're awake!" She said.

Y/N's speech was interrupted by coughs raking throughout her entire body. She had coughed up blood. Laf held her closer. "L-Laf?" She asked. "C-Can you do something for me?" She asked, Coughing harshly once again. "Anything for you, Mon Amour." He said, listening.

Y/N kissed him, and He could feel her getting weaker by the second. "D-Don't forget m-Me..." She whispered shakily. Laf nodded, Not able to speak. She smiled and leaned onto him, Going limp. Laf heard her last exhale and broke down, Starting to cry. "I-I'll never forget you, Mon Amour. Don't you ever think I would." He says to Y/N's corpse, In between his sobs

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