By The End Of The Book- George Washington

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Y/N moved swiftly throughout the crowded commonplace, despite having quite large skirts. She sighed as she made it through all the people, putting away a new book, The Hermit of Warkworth by Thomas Percy, as she walked to her home, the L/N estate. It wasn't even ten minutes later when it started raining, so Y/N started running. Then it started pouring. Badly. Y/N had no other option than to take refuge. She knocked on the door to the nearest estate, silently praying that they were home. When the door opened she sighed a breath of relief.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you but-" she started, getting interrupted "You're drenched! Come in immedietly!" a male voice spoke, she never saw the face of the owner, and ushered her inside. She was taken care of by a slave, whom she treated kindly, and they chatted while she was warming up in the bath. "Mr.Washington is a kind man, You're quite lucky you found yourself to his estate." She spoke quietly. "Yes, i do have reason to believe that." Y/N said.

After Y/N finished with her bath she got dressed in a spare dress that was set aside for her. She was led to the parlor, where George was. "Here she is, sir." the woman said, moving to the side, out of the way. George turned, saying "Ah, tha-" but went quiet when he saw the rosy cheeks of a warm, smiling, good-looking woman in front of him. Stuttering, he tried to speak. "Y-You h-h-have a really n-nice face." he blurted out, Blushing slightly darker than he was. "Thank you?" she asked with a light laugh.

George's mind was racing. Who was this woman? would it be too early to ask her to let him court her? and his least favorite, Why did she look so good in his mother's old clothes? He took a deep breath and asked "May i know what such a beautiful woman's name is?" to which she replied "Y/N. Y/N L/N. I was trying to reach my family's estate when i got caught in this rainstorm." She explained. "Thank you, by the way, for helping me." She added. "It was not a problem. I was also wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner?" he asked her. "I would be delighted to Mr. Washington." "Please, Miss Y/N, Call me George." he told her simply.

A week later George asked Y/N to meet him Near a small tree on a hill. Why, Y/N did not know, but she went nevertheless. She got to the hill where she found George in the tree. "George!" she laughed "What made you go all the way up there?" she asked him. "Well... I wanted to make a surprising entrance. But of coarse you're too clever for that." he said with a smile as he jumped down. "So i guess I'll have to ask you normally. Will you allow me to court you?" he asked her, a blush appearing across his face. One spread across Y/N's face as well, before nodding harshly, being at a loss for words at the moment. George hugged her tightly and smiled "You will not regret this, Y/N."

Three years later and George was leaving his wife Y/N to go and become a general in the war. "Be safe, George. Please." She spoke shakily, with tears in her eyes. He kissed her passionately before telling her "Being safe is easy, Fighting is harder." and giving her a book. "Read the title aloud." he spoke softly and comfortingly. "The Hermit of Warkworth by Thomas Percy..." Y/N read. "Do you remember it? It's the book that brought us together." He said with a smile. He heard his name called and kissed his wife's forehead before whispering "I'll be home before you can finish the book" to her, and leaving.

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