Neck Kisses | Preference

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( Frimzy& Ricco )


He loves them, he can't get enough of them. He likes it when you get mad or jealous, you start kissing his neck, leaving love bites here and there.

"Mmm" Frimzy moaned softly, you kissing and biting his neck. Your hand under his chin. He turned his head to the right to give you more access to his neck.

"Babygirl, let's take this to the room." He said, lifting you up and you still working on his neck which he enjoyed every second of it. 


He didn't mind them but he liked them on you. Don't get him wrong he loved it when you left loved bites on him but he's got videos he's gotta do so he can't have them on him.

"R-Ricco stop it. I've gotta finish this song...fuck. " You moaned out, him behind you, pushing your neck to the side to him more access to your neck. What helped more was that your hair was in a hair tie. He kissed up and down, sucking and biting.

"Come on babe, take a break for the rest of day since once we're done, you won't be able to walk. " He said, pushing you down on the bed, smashing your lips together.

how did y'all like it? was it good? should i do more of them???? let me know in the comments💙 •

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