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Hi guys, how many times have you tried to preach to someone and they said things like, “it’s too difficult”, “there are some things I have to do away with before I meet Jesus” or “they say I don’t even know how to do this, what am I suppose to say?”

These questions are normal because we are humans and it’s in our nature to be curious and uncertain about some things. Some people know that there is a God but they do not know how to get to Him. I have just one word ‘ACCEPT’.

*ACCEPT His Love
*ACCEPT His Word
*ACCEPT His plans
*ACCEPT who He is and get to know Him.

Accept is the best word; because that is all you have to do. In accepting you have to submit, receive and take. Normally, receiving things are not difficult for man to do, but life or circumstances around us have made it look as if it is an unreasonable thing to do when it comes to making that decision of accepting Christ into our lives.

The act of receiving and taking are things we do with our hands stretched out with big smiles on our faces. Think about it, isn’t it weird? I mean He has the best things to offer, but someone has to preach to us messages on how to receive from God. I find this challenging because the devil is trying to hide the best thing to ever happen to us from us.

All God wants you to do is just be grateful, stretch out your hands with a big smile on your face and say Lord please give me all that you have promised. Give me your life, give me your grace, give me your wisdom, give me riches, give me holiness and you will receive. (Matthew 7:7;)

He wants you to rest in Him; He wants you to rely on Him. He has big shoulders of love to cuddle you with (it could be experiential) that will make you forget the rest of the world and just rest in His love. Accept Him today, it is the easiest and best decision you will ever make. Accept Him; accept His purpose and plans for your life and you will be the happiest and most peaceful person ever.

After you have made that decision, don’t try to rush things, just grow steadily in the Love and Word of God. One more thing, don’t try to hold on to God, let Him hold you. Just be held.

Have a wonderful week guys. Love you. 😘💗

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