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Romans 8: 26;

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

The first part of the verse is our concern; I want to draw our attention to the fact that the Holy Spirit is interested in helping us live Godly and happy lives, he is interested in helping us solve all those little problems that always draw us back and break our relationship. He is interested in making a change in our lives, if only we are open for change.

An experience that comes from one listening to the Holy Spirit is extraordinary; it makes one filled with the Glory of God. Fellowship with the Spirit of God is the best fellowship u can ever imagine. Few days after I had given my life to Christ and more days after that where days that I could never forget, the Spirit of God kept on revealing wonderful things to me and His presence in my room was a wonderful feeling it was as if I had been lifted up and the atmosphere was different from normal. He loves you, yes He does and all He wants is quality time with you.

Just a moment with Him will make you forget all your worries at home, school, relationship issues, financial issues and even spiritual issues. Go to Him with the aim of just knowing Him more and trust me you will come out a different and better person than you ever where.

Involve Him in your everyday life; I don't how to say it but the Holy Spirit is as real as whatever you are using to read this article, He wants you to believe in Him. I will tell you a story of two children who were told in church that they could talk to the Holy Spirit anytime and he would reply. These two children kept a chair in front of them and kept talking to the chair which they believed the Holy Spirit sat on. One of their neighbours came and began to call them witches and said she was going to take the chair away but the children said that the Holy Spirit was on the chair she doubted and still said she was going to take the chair, the children insisted that the Holy Spirit was there but she still went for it, so they left her. She tried to lift the chair but she couldn't cause it was heavy, when she tried again the power of God hit her and threw her far away, she still stood up to take the chair before she got to the chair, the power hit her again so far away on the floor. And that was how this woman who doubted these children gave her life to Jesus.

The Holy Spirit will do several wonderful things with your life if only you are willing. He has the answer to all your questions and worries, the solutions to all problems; he knows everything and every heart. He is like a child that stays with those who love him and leaves those who despise Him. He is tender and kind but also powerful and mighty. Just say hello to Him. He is waiting.


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