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On this day I want to be able to say 'I LOVE YOU' to all with sincerity. And to you who inspired this article....

Love is sacred; it is not just a word but a word with responsibilities to carry out. You do not need a reason to love after all we are told by our Father to love all as He loved us unconditionally. When you say those words what goes on in your mind, do you mean them or you just say them because you have to or you think it will make a particular person happy. No! It means more than that. When you love, love all- the good, bad and the ugly side of others. Be ready to give yourself for them, correct their wrongs, look after them, stand by them even when everyone is against them, listen to them, talk to them, play with them, teach them, and most importantly be yourself with the people you love.

I might not understand everything about love, yea I'm still learning. But I know one person who has shown great love towards me and everyone. He has always been with me even when I pushed Him away doing things that hurt Him, blaspheming Him and saying hurting things. He shows an amount of love that is not comprehendible, words cannot explain His love. A special book calls it unconditional. He is love himself. He has put love in all our hearts and made it possible for us to have this feeling of love so let's not destroy this pure act of love by saying it and forgetting the responsibility attached to it but try to grow in it by loving with all purity.

It's funny how humans select the ones we choose to love and say 'I love you' to, but we expect God to love all and make sure nothing bad happens in the world. Why don't we say these words more often with all purity and sincerity to all, by doing that sharing the love God has put in our hearts to the world? I guess by doing that God will be happy and the world would be a peaceful place to live in.

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