Author's Note! Help!

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Hey guys!!

I am so sorry for the lack of updating recently... I finally finished that novel project we were working on for the last few months at school, and then the end of the semester came up so I had no time to write. I apologize for the long breaks between updates. 

I need your guys's help tho... I really want to finish Break Me soon, but I have been wanting to start another story afterward. However, I have no idea what type of story to write...

Could I possibly ask everyone to vote on a story idea? I'll put my ideas down below, but I really would like to know what you guys would want to read next... Ok here we go...

1 - An Original (Throne of Glass-like story. Very fantasy/adventure) (this would not be a fanfic)

2 - Star Wars Fanfic (From any point in the Saga)

3 - Supernatural Fanfic (TV Show)

4 - A new Harry potter fanfic (a different generation?)


5 - A request/One shot completion. I would take requests/imagines/prompts. Idk. 

Right now, I have some really cool (or at least to me) ideas for 1 and 3, but if you guys really want to read a certain story or have any requests PLEASE LET ME KNOW! It would mean the world to me! 

So yeah, if you could just like comment which ones you want (or any other ideas/requests you have) please do so. 

And again, so sorry for the lack of updates. I will try to get off my ass and write some more hahah. 

Thank you thank you thank you for all your guys's support as always. <3 <3

xx syd 

Break Me || Harry PotterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt