Chapter 47- Terrifying Tournaments

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Draco wanted to talk to Saige. He had seen her make eye contact with Potter, but after a few hours she had disappeared. The two of them had hung out a few times over the past months so they were now really close friends. Draco weaved his way through the stands, finally spotting the three girls Saige had been hanging out with lately.

"Oi! Mina!" Draco called, walking up to them. He only remembered her name. The gorgeous girl spun around, her dark brown locks twirling around her head. Draco couldn't help but notice her beauty.

"Oh, Draco. What's the matter?" She asked, walking away from the other two girls to talk to him. Draco bit his lip.

"Have you seen Saige? I need to talk to her." Draco asked, shrugging. Mina pursed her lips.

"Actually, I haven't. She left a few minutes ago to grab something. She seemed pretty desperate to get it. Maybe ask Hermione and Ron," Mina said, pointing towards the mane of bushy brown hair and the mop of red hair. Draco scowled.

"Oh, okay. Thanks anyways." Draco said, then worked up the courage to talk to the two. Be nice. Show them who you really are. Saige's words echoed through his head.

When he walked up and tapped Weasley on the shoulder, he was met with a snarling face.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Ron sneered. Hermione scowled next to him. Draco bit his lip harder, tasting blood.

"I don't want to fight. I was looking for Saige." Draco muttered, already regretting talking to them. Hermione's face softened just the slightest. "Have you see her?" 

"Oh. No, I actually haven't. Last time I saw her she was with Mina and the others," Hermione said, her eyebrows scrunching together. Draco's worry grew.

"Oh. Okay, thanks any-" Draco muttered, but he was cut off with a cry that pierced through the air.

"PERICULUM!" a voice screamed. The voice was feminine. That was for sure. But Draco's mind started to freeze as he realized that Fleur was already out of the maze, and none of the other tributes were female. Then he realized he knew the voice.

"No, no, no, no," Draco muttered, scrambling to the edge of the stands, watching the red sparks disappear from the air. They didn't come from inside the maze. McGonagall and Snape were hurrying down the hill that the sparks had come from, and Draco could just barely see two figures grappling at the bottom behind the hill. One figure was male and adult, but the other- the other was young and female.

"No!" Draco cursed as he realized who it was. Damnit Saige, can't you stay out of trouble?


The first thing I registered was that I was actually alive. My chest heaved with heavy breaths. My body stung with a sharp pain and my heart ached with the loss of my wand. I was lying down, and I could tell that my hands were bound. My feet weren't however. Fools. I was wrapped in a black body bag, but I felt somebody tugging on the top. I felt my energy return as I started to thrash, wiggling this way and that, kicking my legs back and forth. Somebody started to drag me, but it was painful. My shoulders and knees hit the ground hard with every step, but I thrashed nonetheless. It wasn't until someone threw me onto the ground and placed a heavy foot on my back that I stilled.

A flash of silver caught a light and slashed the bag open. Not to mention my face as well. I rolled out, blood streaming down a cut on my cheek. It didn't seem that deep though. I scrambled up onto my knees, but was faced with a horrifying image that stopped me in my efforts to escape. I was in the graveyard from my dreams. I saw the dark clouds forming overhead, the small rat-like man quivering by a large flaming cauldron. I assumed that Grenville was behind me. I started to turn to see when a voice stopped my heart in my chest.

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