Chapter 27- The Girl Who Was No More

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ps- here's a longer chapter to make up for it. :) (prays to not be killed by readers)

Ron was heartbroken for Saige. He could tell that she had gone through so much shit that a normal fourteen year old girl should never have to go through. It took weeks since that day that she actually came out of Gin's room for her to actually laugh, but every night you could just make out soft crying coming from the upstairs bedroom. Ron and Harry had been talking to her everyday, just to keep her mind off things. But as much as Ron loved having his friend back, she wasn't really back.

         Saige Walker had changed. She was no longer the happy, carefree, joking, smart, sarcastic girl that used to be the life of Gryffindor. She wasn't the bubbly and quick-tempered maniac that everyone loved. She wasn't the quidditch star, the person responsible for the past wins for Gryffindor. As a side note, Gryffindor had to replace her with that punk Luke, and we had still won every game, but just barely. Gryffindor team was in ruins, and Ron didn't think he had ever seen Wood so devastated. It had been his last year at Hogwarts, so he wouldn't even get to see his star player again.

         Him and Harry had already had to talk Saige out of suicide four times, twice they found her with her wand pointed at her heart, sobbing her eyes out in the dead of night. The other two times she had been sitting in the attic of the Burrow with a small but wicked hunting knife in her hand looking empty and scared. Ron and Harry had been horrified, they hadn't known their cheerful friend to ever even consider suicide. Well she was practically dragged through hell and back, no duh she's a bit heartbroken.

         When Ron and Harry had written the letters to Hermione and Professor McGonagall, they hadn't been expecting answers quite so quickly. It was on the day that Saige first came down that they got responses, which was quick considering how far away Ron lived. Hermione had been in tears clearly, the messy, handwritten note had more than many splotches, blurring the unusually messy handwriting. McGonagall had been very concerning and kind, and suggests telling Dumbledore on Harry and Ron's behalf. She also suggested that Saige could spend some time at Hogwarts, but when the boys told Saige of this, she had had a slight freak out, saying that if she had to be there alone, she would do it. Which worried Harry and Ron, because that meant that she was still talking of ending her life.

It was a few weeks after that when Harry and Ron were sitting in the living room, half heartedly playing a game of exploding snap. Hermione was supposed to be arriving in a few minutes, by floo powder. Ron and Harry were worried about Saige, but in the past few weeks she had grown more comfortable talking to everyone, and while she was still secretly crying at night, she smiled a tiny bit more and could talk quietly about the events that had happened in the six months she was gone without breaking down.

         "Do you think Saige will freak out?" Harry asked Ron while they were waiting for Hermione to show up. Saige was supposedly sleeping, but Ron and Harry were ready to burst into her room if they heard her crying, if in attempt to stop her from taking her life.

         "Mate I don't know. Hermione seemed both relieved and crushed that we found her, so Hermione might crush the poor girl in a hug. I mean, I have no bloody idea," Ron muttered. Fred and George came bounding down the stairs, muttering something about jokes and pranks, and also about prices, but Ron ignored them. Harry nodded.

         Suddenly, but finally, green flames sprung from the large fireplace and a certain bushy haired beauty, (Ron tried to smack himself nonchalantly) stepped into the Weasley household.

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