"How did you mean it then?"

"Just that, I feel like I'm taking in and learning so much from you, and that you're not getting anything like that back from me." Karlie's tone is gloomy and her normally perfect posture is sluggish and maybe even defeated. She can't fathom how hard it is to keep her own thoughts anymore. Even when she doesn't want to she finds herself spilling her guts and opening up to Taylor about everything. A huge turn around considering her signature move used to be making a girl comfortable and then going ghost on her when things pick up. Thinking of ever doing that to Taylor made Karlie feel physically sick. She couldn't imagine hurting her in that way. So choosing to spill her feelings may suck but for the blue eyed heart of gold in front of her, she'd do anything.

Taylor's harden face of defense softens completely with every word Karlie says. She lets out a small "tsk" as she gently reaches up and lays her hand gently against Karlie's cheek. A sharp inhale from Karlie as she shivers against Taylor's touch before cautiously gazing back into her eyes again.

"Karlie, you seem to think you haven't taught me a thing. When in reality, you're changing my life too. I used to drive myself insane trying to figure out where I stand in my exes lives when we were together and it ruined everything. I was so paranoid of paparazzi and the media that I never focused on the person. And then I met you, and you made the media seem like nothing and paparazzi were suddenly nothing to me anymore. I also haven't driven myself insane trying to protect us, we just flow."

A very beautiful grin spreads its way across Karlie's face as she secretly clings on to every word Taylor says. She can't help it, it's just the effect Taylor has on people. You can't help but listen to every word she says, Karlie was never that person, until Taylor was speaking directly to her.

That's when life changed, and she felt encouraged enough to do anything.

"I just want to make you proud." Karlie says softly, her demeanor strong but her eyes show her worries.

"You do make me proud," Taylor says, kissing Karlie's forehead. "You also make me starve, let's get out of here already."

"Oh you jerk, way to ruin the moment." Karlie giggles, fake pushing Taylor away and sliding off the counter, flipping off the light on Taylor and heading down to their waiting car.

"You know you liked it." Taylor mocks with a laugh, running and jumping on Karlie's back who catches her without effort, carrying her with hard laughs out to her car.


When they arrive at the private restaurant it's a little after noon and the city is alive with the sound of everyone's favorite time of day. Their lunch breaks.

Luckily, Taylor is always planning ahead and let the restaurant know they were coming. Karlie's thankful to learn that information as they slide out of the car and walk close through relentless paparazzi. Karlie keeps her head down and a neutral face as she trails protectively behind Taylor, guiding her along with security into the restaurant.

Once their inside Karlie feels like she can breathe again and squints hard to adjust her eyes. As she's squinting, Taylor is quick to reach down and grab her hand, squeezing it tightly. Karlie finds it odd, looking down at their combined hands before looking back over at Taylor. "Wha-" is all she can get out before she follows Taylor's stare to what's causing her to act weird.

"Oh, fuck." Karlie groans, rolling her eyes and receiving a tight jab to her side from Taylor. If this wasn't her luck, she didn't know what was as she sees what's got Taylor in a fuss. It's Lily, and she's waiting offside of the front doors for a table to open up.

This cannot be happening. I've managed to not run into Lily in years, how is she here right now?! Oh my god Taylor is going to kill me, this has to be so awkward for her.. Karlie's mind races as she does everything in her power not to look over at Lily but it's too late. She's spotted Taylor and in seconds, is standing before the pair.

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