Fun Times

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Hey! turns out I have a little more time in my hands! ;) but this is seriously the last chapter until march break is over, soo....yeah lol. Comment, vote, fan, and like! :D


Chapter 16

I walked into Justin's house, both of us in our human form. "That was great! I've never felt more free!" I exclaimed excitedly. But then I got all serious. "Justin.....I.....can I......move in with you?" I said the last part quickly, avoiding eye contact.

When I looked up to see his reaction, he didn't hesitate. He caught my lips with his. "Of course you can, babe. I've been wanting you to ask ever since I met you." He said into the kiss.

I pulled away. "Alright. I'm going to call my mom." I said, picking up my Blackberry curve. I dialed the number and listened to the annoying rings. Finally, my mom answered.


"Hey, mom."

"Oh, hey, Mel! Why'd you call?"

I hesitated. "I.....I'm mated!"

The line went quiet, but then my mom broke the silence. "Oh my God! Sweetie, I'm so happy for you!!! What color is your wolf? I have to meet your mate!"

"My wolf is white, and we will make arrangements. But that's not why I called. I wanted to ask if.....I could move in with Justin." I said hurriedly. The line went quiet again.

"Sure, honey." My mother said sadly. "I want you to have the happiness with your mate that I barely ever have." She sighed, and I felt a pang of guilt.

She was going to be so lonely, but so will Justin......where are his parents, anyway?

"Thanks so much, mom. Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have fun with your mate. Tell me the address and I'll bring your clothes and makeup, hairbrush, toothbrush, everything like that."

"Okay." I agreed. I told her the address, and we both said goodbye and hung up. "Good news.....sort of." I told Justin. "My mom's coming to visit."

His expression got lighter. As if he wasn't eaves dropping already. "Great!" he exclaimed excitedly.



"Where are your parents?" I asked slowly.

He sighed. "Well, they.....left me. When I was fifteen. But now I'm eighteen, I got over it, and I have the best mate ever." He smiled when he said the last part, and embraced me tightly.

"Justin-" I choked. "Can't.....breath....." He released me quickly, and I let out a woosh of air. "Thanks." I said gratefully. He nodded.

Walking to the kitchen, Justin whistled a weird tune. I didn't recognize it at first, but then realized it was 'Baby' by Justin Bieber. I didn't recognize it at first because he was so off. I giggled.

"Aw, looks like someone has the Bieber Fever!" I shouted teasingly. Justin chuckled.

"It's stuck in my head!" he insisted. I noddded.

"Mhmm. Sure." I said sarcastically. With that said, he grabbed my waist and tackled me. I hit the floor really hard, but it didn't hurt because I'm a werewolf.

"Mine." He growled seductively. "My mate." He ran his tongue lightly over the mark. I groaned loudly. He smiled an got off of me, offering his hand to help me up.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"For fun." He replied. I just shrugged and turned around to look through the window.

"Oh my fuck!"


"You have  trampoline!' I exclaimed excitedly. He smirked and nodded.

"Wanna go for a jump?" He asked teasingly.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him to the back dor. We bounced on the trampoline for maybe an hour, just talking about stuff. My wolf was so happy to be with her mate, and I was happy, too.

"Justin?" I said that night when I snuggled next to him in bed.


"Don't leave me. Ever."

He hugged me tighter, his bare arms very warm and soothing against my skin.

"Don't worry." He whispered in my ear. "I won't."


Aww, sappy romance. :P Lol, not for long. I have a bunch of ideas in mind.....anyways, tell me what you think!! Comment, vote, fan, and like!!


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