The Forest

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Hey guys!!! I just want to tell you that it's March Break this week, and I won't post. :'( I'm sorry. But, here's a chapter to remember my book by. :D Comment, vote, fan and like!!!!!


Chapter 15

I woke up in Justin's arms. At first I couldn't remember anything, but then all of the activity from last night came flooding into my mind. Justin and I had mated.

"Good morning, beautiful." Justin said in his sexy, seductive voice. I smiled and kissed him.

"Good morning, sexy ass fucker who I didn't watch fall asleep last night." I said innocently. He laughed.

"Well, then, we're even, because I DIDN'T watched you wake up this morning." He exclaimed, smirking. I smiled back, feeling a little cautious.

"Last night was the best night of my life." I mimicked Edward from Breaking Dawn, flopping onto my back on the bed. But I meant it. Last night WAS the best night of my life. But then I realized something, and the thought sent a bolt of excitement through me.

"Justin, when can I shift?! Can we brain communicate?" I asked. He smirked and nodded.

"Yes, we can 'brain communicate' and you can shift as soon as we get into the forest." Justin said, smiling lightly at my excited expression. "Get dressed."

I walked to the walk-in closet and changed into a pair of Justin's sweatpants and his sweatshirt. When I walked into the room, Justin was in there with just his pants on, so his sexy chest was exposed.

"Imma go meet you in the forest. I know where it is. I won't go deep into it." I said, rolling my eyes. Justin lived right beside the forest, I could see it from any window I looked out of.

I grabbed my sneakers and put them on, and walked out the door, shouting a quick "SEE YA!" over my shoulder. When I was right in front of the forest, I heard Justin's voice, but he was no where to be found. "Hey sexy." He said. Then it hit me. Brain communication. "Hey." I said back and blocked the chat.

I walked into the forest, and I suddenly felt very content. There was something about the forest that put me on edge. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was just so peaceful and beautiful, it made it look so misterious. It feels like anything can happen in here. I relaxed and waited for Justin.

Finally, he walked through the back door and jogged towards me. I smiled. "I missed you." I recited. And I really did. Now that we were mated, I couldn't stand over five minutes without him. He just smiled.

"Get undressed." He said casually. "If you keep your clothes on, they will rip to shreds when you turn into a wolf." He added over his shoulder. I went behind a tree and got undressed as fast as I could.I couldn't wait to shift!

"Now what?" I called out.

"Concentrate. Think about being a wolf. Think about somthing that gets you mad." He yelled from five trees down. Since I was now fully wolf, I could hear very well. His yells were hurting my ears. Thats somthing I have to get used to, I thought to myself.

"Damn it, Justin! Stop yelling!" I exclaimed, frustrated. He mumbled a quick sorry.


I thought about wolves, and thought about Justin leaving me. That would get me very mad. I imagined us in a big fight, imagined him slapping me across the face, imagined him-

That was all I could take. I let out a huge snarl and before I knew it, I became a quarter less of my size. I walked up to Justin, wanting to know what was going on. He took one look at me and smiled. "You're so beautiful as a wolf!" He commented.

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