Perfect Moments

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Chapter 13

I woke up to the sound of  growling and snarling. Justin was watching "Breaking Dawn" on Rodgers on demand. It's my favorite movie.

"Why are the werewolves the bad guys?" I asked curiously. Justin shrugged.

"Maybe it's because we're half wolf. And wolves are apparantly mean."

I laughed and snuggled closer to Justin, watching the movie. The sex scene was awkward to watch with a horny fucker.

That thought made me giggle. "What?" he asked in his sexy ass voice.

"Nothing. Ugh, Edward is SO ugly!! She should have just chosen Jacob." I stated. "I would."

The look I got from Justin made me feel uncomfortable.

So, I added, "That is, IF I hadn't met you."

He grinned and continued watching the movie. When it was done, I got up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

He followed me.

"Okay, Justin get out. I have to pee."



He smiled and walked out. Wow, I didn't think that would make him leave.

I washed my face, brushed my hair and teeth, and did my business. Walking to the kitchen, I thought about Breaking Dawn. What the hell? Why am I thinking of this?

"Hey." Justin greeted me at the kitchen. "You're just in time." He pulled some grilled cheese out of the oven and gave it to me. I put it on the table and watched him while he made his own grilled cheese, and put it in the oven.

"Aw, baby you didn't have to." I recited, smiling.

"I wanted to."

"You're too nice."

"I know." There he goes, ruining the moment AGAIN!

"That's why I love you." I muttered.

"Huh?" he asked, confused. "Why do you love me? What did I do to please you?"

"You always ruin moments we have, it makes me laugh. Aw, babe I love you so much."

"I never liked that gushy love stuff, but babe you are the best girlfriend anyone could ever have." He said, smiling dreamily.

I walked up to him and straddled him. I started to french kiss him. We were like that for a while, when he suddenly pushed me off.

"SHIT!" He screeched like a girl.

"What?! What?! I yelled, concerned for him. But then I smelled something burning.

He ran to the oven and opened it. Thick smoke poured out. He cursed and pulled out the tray with his burnt grilled cheese. "I FORGOT TO SET A TIMER!"

Oh, this moment can't get any worse, I thought to myself. But then it did. The stupid fire alarm started to screech, and it got on my nerves very quickly.

"HOLY COW!! TURN THAT PIECE OF SHIT OFF!" I screamed, while Justin wacked it with a broom. It fell to the floor, totally crushed.

"Stupid werewolf strength." He cursed. But then he surprised me by grinning.

"There I go again, ruining the perfect moment." He said, chuckling.

"You read my mind!" I declared, laughing. Then I regarded the fire alarm laying on the floor. "Man, you need a new fire alarm." I stated seriously.

"It was so young!" Justin pretended to cry.

"Why is my boyfriend so retarted?" I asked myself out loud, shaking my head.

Justin growled and started to circle me. "No one, and I mean no one, calls ME retarted." He growled, and got into position to pounce, like a tiger pounces on it's prey.  "ESPECIALLY my mate." he added.

"Justin, are you going to go all wolf on me now?" I asked, scared. If he was going to, it wouldn't be funny. It would be BAD. And by BAD, I mean EXTREMELY BAD!

He grunted. "Yes. Yes I am."

I felt a pang of fear. "Well, just so you know, I'M YOUR MATE! You're not supposed to go all wolf on me."

He growled. "Humans are weak."

That struck a nerve. "I'm half wolf." I growled back and got into the same position as him. "I am technichally a werewolf, but I can't shift until I have completed the mating bond."

He raised his eyebrows and glared at me, coming closer. Suddenly, he ran forward and started to tackle me. I fell to the ground with a big THUMP. I whimpered, but my dominent side got the best of me. With a huge burst of strength, I pushed Justin's fat body off of me and got on top of him. I beat him!! I've gained dominence over him!!! 

"Bahahahahh!" I burst out laughing. "You got beat by a fucking half-wolf girl!!"

I got off and offered him my hand to pull him up. He refused it, embarassed.

"I got beat by you!" He exclaimed, shocked.

"Hell yeah, bitch!" I shouted triumphantly.

He glared at me and shook his head. "Just eat your grilled cheese. It's probably cold. Heat it up for one minute in the microwave."

I did as he said, shaking my head. "Babe, if you can get beat by a girl, you have to start working out."

"I know, I know." He grumbled, quite immaturely. I smiled and took my grilled cheese out of the oven. I took a bite into it.

"Holy fuck! This is amazing! What's your secret?" I asked curiously.

"It's a secret!" He sang. I looked at his face, and how he was staring at his burnt grilled cheese. Fatty.

I handed him two of mine. "Here. You gave me four, I only want two. These things fill me up easily."

He smiled thankfully and accepted my offfer. We ate in silence, and when we were done, Justin took our plates, threw out his burnt grilled cheese, and washed the dishes. I watched in silence.

"Justin, I'm sorry if I'm ever a bitch to you. It's just I'm on my period, and I hate these mood swings. When I first met you, I'm sorry I assumed you were a player. I was just so shocked that someone  so gorgeous coulld be my mate."

He walked up to me and kissed my forehead. "Babe, you're never a bitch to me. I always think you're too good for me, that I'm in a dream, and I'm afraid to wake up, knowing that everything I have right now will be gone." he stated, smiling weakly.

"Aw, how cute! Well, I'm no dream. Babe, I love you so much." I stated, and waited for him to ruin the moment. He didn't. Instead, he leaned forward and french kissed me. Nothing could ruin this moment. Not even JUSTIN! This was truly the perfect moment.


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