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Chapter 3

"Hey, mom! I'm back from school!" I yelled when I stepped into my house.

"Hey, honey!" she yelled back.

School went just fine today. Justin was alright. WHAT A RELIEF!!!!

We walked home together. I figured out that behind his perverted personality, he was a nice person, and I also realized that he loves me and is willing to take me as a mate with open arms and a smile.

Also, he gave me a heart shaped chocolate.

That one chocolate made my day.

"You know, honey, you still didn't tell me about the first day of school!" My mother exclaimed, walking into the living room. "Tell me a little about it." I stiffened, but then relaxed.

She seemed truly curious. Good. She doesn't know about Justin.

I shrugged. "Well, it's full of non-virgins, people who do drugs, hot guys, slutty girls, nerds, emo's, and goths. Just like last year. There's not much to tell." I said, and walked to the kitchen to grab a can of coke. She followed me.

"Well, there has to be something!" she said, exasparated. I turned around and rolled my eyes, shakig my head. "Well...did you meet any hot guys? Wait, wait, wait! did you say before there were people doing drugs?" she asked.

At the 'hot boys' part, I froze with my can half way to my mouth. At the 'drugs' part, I snickered.

"No way, mom. I'm not  druggy. If that's what you were thinking.....Wow, you have no trust in me whatsoever!" I accused, casually leaning against the counter.

She sighed in relief. "I  have a lot of trust in you!! You, missy, just don't realize it." she smiled and was about to walk out of the kitchen, when she remembered her first question. "Well, is there any hot guys?" she asked, grinning like a nine year old.

(BTW my dad had a job in Florida and only comes during the summer vacations.)

At the words 'hot guys' I automatically thought of Justin.

"Uh, no mom. I'm, uh, not interested in any of the guys." I lied. That was probably the understatement of the year, considering that Justin went to my school.

And he was my mate.

And my mom was also a werewolf.

"It's also none of your beezwax." I added in a stern british accent.

I was being so childish. But, that's me. I'm very odd. And if you don't like that, then SUCK MY FUCKING DICK!

I don't actually have a dick, I'm 100% girl.

It must suck for my mom, being away from her mate almost all the time. 

"Uh-huh." she said, but she didn't sound convinced, and when she was walking out, I heard her mumble something under her breath. It sounded like "It is actually a lot of my beezwax. I'm your mother and I have the right to know about your hormones." Then she snickered. "That's what any normal mom would say. But I'm no normal mom. Mmm-mm."

She was right. She was definitly no normal mom.



I'm so sorry this is so short, but I don't have a lot of time in my hands!! I would just like to thank all of my supporters!! Luv ya!

True MatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora