And our eyes locked through the mirror.


We're home! Finally.
As usual we're making dinner, we just decided to make biski and Miyan kuka because seriously who would even still be hungry after all the stuffs we had at the Jabbi's. Wait who I'm I kidding? I've forgotten we have food mongers In the house. But this time we called in Aminah and Zahra even if it's just to pass things to us.

We finished and immediately ran upstairs to the room,locked the door and plopped down on the bed.

"Its official. I'm so tired!."

"Wallahi Khadee ba Ke kadai bace, Im also very worn out. But Khadee I've been thinking about what Asiya told us fah. I mean. And the name especially. Could it just be a coincidence? "

"well Sam I really don't know fah.  I don't even want to talk about it, but Gaskiya I don't see his fault tho"

"Ikr? Men are just very.. Irrational sometimes"

"Yauwa Samee, don't think I didn't notice you and Ya Faysal's eye lock in the car fah. What's the deal neh? "

"it's Nothing Dan Allah. Kawai by mistake neh"

By now I'm so sure I was turning crimson red. But why tho?
"but Miyene ma Khadee. I mean this crush thing, I thought crushes just come and go? I'm not understanding this one fah"

"mhmm.. "

"Seriously 'mhmm'? Khadeejah Musa I'm talking to you.!"

And with that I snatched her phone from her and saw that she was talking with Haneef.

Just as I was about to run away with her phone, mine beeped signalling a new message. I had no option but to give her phone back to her. I checked the message and saw that it was Alex.  Ya Allah I forgot totally I was supposed to or rather he was going to tell me something important.

Alex:Sameerah Mahmood

Me:Alexander Mac

Alex: the last time I checked that wasn't my surname Sameerah 😑

Me:but it's too long and to tell you the truth I'm so tired, idek how I'm replying you right now. You're very lucky

Alex: oh I see,but I need to talk to you. Can I call you?

Me: Alex dont call. I'm not answering.

And my phone started ringing. I picked the call

"Alex I can't talk now I'm too tired"
And I ended it.

It's not my fault he didn't even wait to see the message and I'm very sure he saw me typing.. What's so urgent tho?


I had a warm bath,prayed isha, changed into my pjay  and was about to get into bed when my phone started ringing.
'Guy dinnan Maye neh Wallahi'
I muttered to myself. I let it turn to a missed call hoping he would give up but he still called. I let it become a missed call again. I logged into whatsapp to check if he was online so we could just chat but he wasn't. I  mean. I'm so sleepy even if I picked up his call I won't understand what he's saying.
He called again and I picked up the call.

"Alex what part of I'm tired don't you--WHAT??! "


Ghen ghen!!
Here's an update. I'm up this late when I'm supposed to be sleeping cause I'm going to the hospital. I just couldnt resist updating.
And this is the second time I'm writing this chapter fah, I wanted to cry it was so annoying,I just entered instagram to check Sth and when I came back everything I typed was gone. Like gone! Everything! I intended on updating twice today but unfortunately, Qadr happened Soo..
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