Caught In the Crossfire

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The club was completely packed to the brim with people, the music was pumping loudly through the speakers while the lights illuminated the dance floor. I nodded in acknowledgement towards other family friends and other business men, most of them were friends of my father but they were alright. Many of my father's men had watched over me when I was younger so my father saw it fit that they attend the club re-opening. I noted several other members of my gang amongst the club, some of them were occupying the upper floor while others were loitered about the club, both on the bottom and top floor. I watched as Evie rushed over towards the dance floor drawing the attention of the men surrounding her. Evan rolled his eyes fondly before leaving the group to follow after her, keeping an eye on the variety of men gawking at his sister.

"I know they said that Katrina Belmonte was back but I didn't actually believe it to be true and yet here you are in the flesh" a voice greeted behind me.

I turned around as my eyes landed on a familiar figure. It was Lauren, a close family friend that held a lot of pride for the Ravens. Her bright ginger hair was done in a loose braid while she wore a stunning mint-green dress. I grinned over at her before she embraced me tightly.

"Long time no see" I laughed before letting her go, allowing her to clutch onto Blaze before doing the same to Ruben.

"Word on the street is you're starting up some trouble" she teased however her eyes were slightly cold.

"I guess you could say that" I replied, my voice slightly sharp at her statement. "Nothing I can't handle".

"Of course not, I'd expect nothing less from a Belmonte. Speaking of which, how is your father doing?" she asked curiously.

"He's fine" my short remark made her slightly raise her eyebrow but she chose not to indulge my reply.

"I hear he finally passed on the business to you as well" she muttered, tilting her head.

"Indeed he did" I confirmed, trying to appear proud of my new status.

"Well you know if you ever need help with a couple snakes, give me a call yeah. It's always fun to let them know who the real kings and queens of the streets are" Lauren finished before smiling once more, her eyes less cold. "Well you three enjoy your night and give my love to Evan and Evie also, it's always nice seeing those two trouble-makers".

Lauren strutted off, her confidence radiating off of her in waves before I looked out at the club, quite happy with the turnout of the night. I stared at the various different couples dancing about the club, I could feel jealousy tugging at my heart before I finally decided to turn away. I chatted away with a couple of business men and other occupants in the club, discussing mere things such as business, the shipping arrangements and our territory before waving over one of my father's top men.

"Keep an eye out for any trouble tonight" I whispered to him, watching as he nodded in response before briefly drifting away from the group.

"All hail the queen" Ruben teased next to me. He laughed as I rolled my eyes at his playfulness before pushing past him and over to the bar. The bright neon blue lights hung from above the counter, sharply contrasting with the purple tint.

"The usual" I said to the bartender who smiled before walking off to grab my drinks.

Ruben and Blaze settled themselves next to me as we raised our glasses in a toast.

"Here's to us, a bunch of no good crooks" Ruben boasted as I laughed at his gesture.

Blaze rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips before he gulped down his drink while I followed by example. I grimaced slightly at the burn as the liquor slid down my throat. I laughed slightly as I watched Ruben scull down another two drinks before finally looking over at Blaze and I.

"One hell of a life we live right?" Ruben started "Overbearing parents, constant life of destruction and expectations that we can't even achieve in our dreams".

"Has that drink already gone to your head?" I laughed. "Blaze, it would seem that you and I are the only sane ones here"

Blaze smiled over at me before rolling his eyes at Ruben who had continued ranting.

"I'm just saying like imagine a life away from all of this" he continued before pausing slightly to take a sip from his drink. "I would probably be living in a house by the beach side with a beautiful wife and maybe even a couple of kids".

"The mere thought of mini Ruben's is already frightening me" I teased, laughing as he nudged me in offence.

"Why do you say that Kitty-Kat?" he asked using my hated nickname.

"Because Ruby...your arrogance is enough to frighten me while mini Ruby's would just chill me to the core" I laughed.

"As if and besides what woman could resist my charming good looks" he smirked over at me.

"A woman with enough intelligence to avoid that massive head of yours inflated with ego" I remarked sassily.

"You wound me Kitty-Kat, you really do" he said mournfully before letting out a bellowing laugh.

He's officially lost it" I muttered over to Blaze.

I glanced over at Blaze however his focus wasn't on Ruben or me. His attention was directed over at a bunch of party-goers who seemed to be mulling around while scanning the club. My eyes narrowed slightly in confusion as I looked down to Blaze who was insistently scanning the group, his hand inching closer to his jacket.

"He's got a gun!?" Someone in the crowd yelled out during the moment of frenzy.

Screams were evoked from all over the club as two loud bangs followed before people started scattering. I swung around, my eyes catching sight of various men that were currently holding guns and shooting wildly throughout the club.

"Get down!"

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