An Eye For An Eye

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Anger was pulsing through my body as I looked at the mess before me. Our club 'The Sirens' was completely trashed. The glass tabletops were scattered on the floor, broken glass everywhere. Our liquor bottles were either missing or lying smashed on the floor. There was a lot of graffiti over our stage and aligned on the walls, one that specifically stuck out to me was a warning on the wall featured behind the stage that warned 'Keep out of the streets'.

"How the hell did this happen!?" I shouted, glass crunching beneath my boots as I stormed through the club.

"I don't know..." my security stuttered out, sweat slowly leaking down his face.

I growled before pulling out my gun and holding it up to his face. I could practically see the fear rolling off of him in waves as he whimpered. I huffed before lowering my gun and growling out my response.

"Clean it up!"

They quickly scrambled in response, desperate to escape my rage. I breathed in deeply before slowly opening my eyes. I noticed how Evan was still continuously shaking silently as tears slid down his face. I hesitantly approached him before gently grasping his face, cradling it like a mother would for her child when they're upset.

"Tell me what you saw Evan" I whispered quietly, gently soothing his crying.

He whimpered before gently grasping one of my hands and slowly pulling me towards the exit. I gestured for Ruben to follow, he nodded slightly before quickly throwing a hooded jumper over my head just in case anyone saw us. Evan dragged me out of the club and a little down the street before turning into the alleyway and stopping, his breath hitching before he let out a soft wail.

The sight in front of me sickened me. I could feel vomit slowly threatening to creep up my throat before I quickly looked away. I could feel tears streaming down my face but I didn't dare cry out.

Tessa's body laid out in the alleyway, close to our club 'The Sirens'. Her mouth was sewn shut while countless dead rats were laid around her body. Her eyes were wide open, lifeless as they stared up to the sky, an expression of fear on her face. She had a large puddle of blood surrounding her, I wasn't sure if it was hers or the rats. Behind her on the brick wall of the alleyway was a clear message spray painted on in what looked like blood. 'An eye for an eye, caught a rat for you'

"Evan found her on his way to the club, she has at least twelve stab wounds on her stomach" Ruben informed me gravely as he stared down at Tessa.

I looked over at him before my eyes caught over on Evan's crying figure, his shoulders were slightly shaking as he stood in the shadows, the only indication that he was crying.

"What about Evie and Blaze?" I asked solemnly, my voice slightly cracking as I tried to overcome my broken emotions. 

"I already called them, they're on their way for the 'clean up'" he said grimly.

I nodded slightly, unable to look back at the bloodied sight. I took a couple of deep breaths before opening my eyes again.

"I guess they got to her first" Ruben whispered before silencing as I glared over at him.

"I need to get out of here, it's not safe" I muttered before giving a brief nod to Ruben and a consoling hug to Evan. I could feel the rain pelting hard on my skin as I ran through the streets, cars drove past unaware. Lightning flashed high above while thunder roared. I blinked away the water from my eyes, trying to see the path in front of me before stopping. I slumped down against the wall of an abandoned alleyway before placing my head in my hands. I could feel everything slowly starting to overwhelm me as I thought of everything that had happened. The Pythons, the hit placed on my back, the dock, Tessa being the rat... I couldn't tell if I was actually crying or if the rain was just running down my face. I pulled my knees to my chest before letting out a gentle cry, the sound lost amongst the rumbles of the storm. The piercing sound of my cell phone rang, drawing my attention towards the caller ID: Rowan.

"Hello" I answered, trying to keep my voice even.

"Hey Lucy, we haven't seen each other since the after-party, I'm hoping you haven't forgotten me" he teased.

"Couldn't even if I tried" I replied, bitterness slowly starting to seep into my voice.

"Well, I was just calling to ask if you would like to accompany me to dinner on Sunday?" he asked.

I paused for a second, pushing my soaking wet hair out of my eyes before closing my eyes.

"Yeah, I'd love too" I responded, listening as he gave me the details of where to meet him and when.

As I hung up the call, a wave of exhaustion overcame me but also a sense of grief. I had just lost my supposed best friend who turned out to be a rat. 'What had she possibly told them?'

As I wallowed in grief and sadness as I recalled the most recent events that took place, I failed to notice a pair of eyes watching me.

Quoth the Raven, NevermoreOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz