Flashing Headlines

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"Catastrophe has struck the authorities, behind me shows the remaining ruins of the local restaurant that went up in flames last night. Diners reported enjoying a night out at the restaurants when suddenly it went up in flames around 10:00. Authorities have yet to comment if the blaze was an accident or arson. Locals have been shaken by this accident- "One reported spoke before the channel was changed.

"Locals reported hitting the Jack pot last night as a simple night at the pokies quickly turned into a quick cash out. The casino's machines began to spout out over $100,000 worth of chips and so far there are no leads on the technical error. Club owner Logan Winters has refused to comment in regards to the incident-" Another commented before changing the channel once more.

"Citizens have been struck with fear as yet another club shooting has occurred for the second time since the shoot out at The Sirens. Gun shots rang out supposedly at around 10:00, three men were shot and another seven were grievously injured while the club also reported a whole stock of alcohol stolen that same night. Police suspect gang related activity and warn citizens to be aware-" The last reported commented.

Each channel shown on the tv reported each attack, each warning the public of the ongoing war that had brewed between the Ravens and the Pythons. Behind each reporter had shown the various locations that we had struck, the burnt down restaurant, the club with multiple bullet holes and lastly the casino that had been closed off to the public while they tried to discover the technical difficulty. I watched as the screen showed Logan walking with his head away from the reporters as sunglasses covered his eyes. Satisfaction filled me as I watched each report, giddy with my success and the others. I smiled over at my gathered Ravens as we watched the daily news.

"Quite a turn out" Ruben commented from his spot on the lounge, mischief plastered over his face. "You truly do know best Kitty-Kat."

I smirked at his comment while glancing over at the others, each held pride over their actions, however, Blaze seemed a little less enthused. I narrowed my eyes over at him suspiciously before deciding that I'd talk to him about it later.

"And how did the shipping docks go?" Evie asked from her seat on the island bench.

"A complete success" I replied joyfully as I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl to eat.

"We did well," Evan remarked as he sat next to his sister.

I nodded proudly before slumping down onto the couch and putting my legs over Ruben's lap. I sighed as I relaxed into the pillows, briefly closing my eyes.

"Hey Kat, can I talk to you for a second" Evie's voice rang out, disturbing my slumber.

I blinked wearily before pulling myself off of the lounge, I gestured for her to follow me as I lead her away from the others, her footsteps echoing slightly behind mine as we moved down the main corridor. I opened a door that was furthest on the right before guiding her through and closing the door behind. I watched as she fidgeted slightly before slowly relaxing.

"You remember that photo you sent me? The guy that was watching you at the grave yard." She started, the topic instantly holding my attention as I nodded for her to continue. "Well, I couldn't find a name. It's as though he doesn't exist however I did find something else."

I watched as she reached into her pocket and retrieved a small USB. I took it from her and fiddled with it in my hands as I walked over to the desk that resided in the room with a laptop. I started it up, curiosity burning as the contents slowly loaded. All different images plastered themselves on the screen, each displaying the man at different locations however it wasn't that in which caught my attention. My eyes widened in realisation as I recognised my figure in the contents of the photo also. Each image displayed me while he was lurking in the background, mostly hidden from sight.

"He's been following me" I commented as I scrolled through the photos. "Very closely."

"What are you going to do?" Evie asked worryingly as she stood behind me.

I clicked onto one of the images before enhancing it closer, enlarging the figure. I rummaged through my brain for anything that could have helped to identify this figure however I was quickly drawing a blank.

"Get Blaze for me" I ordered, my eyes not straying from the screen.

I listened as her footsteps clunked throughout the mansion as she left. I waited a few moments before the familiar pitter patter of footsteps approaching sounded out through the halls once more. I looked up as Blaze entered, softly closing the door behind him with a blank look on his face. I beckoned him over, pushing the laptop towards him as he surveyed the contents. His eyes hardened as he realised what I was presenting to him before he glanced up to meet my eyes.

"It seems I've had a follower these last few days" I spoke finally. "I want any and everything you can get on him. Evie has already tried but I want a second search just in case."

Blaze nodded in understanding as he gave me back the laptop. I stared at him for a few moments, my eyes analysing him as he stared back blankly. He gestured down at the figure, I scrutinized what he was gesturing. He quickly grabbed a spare sheet of paper and a pen before quickly scribbling down his message.

'He's the one from the cemetery right?'

I nodded slightly as I read his question, he nodded also as he glared down at the image, his gaze hard while his face was stern. I looked back over at him before suddenly remembering my inquiry from before.

"How did your mission go?" I asked curiously. "I understand you did well, however, were there any complications?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in interest as I watched a quick look pass over Blaze's face before he went blank once more, gently shaking his head.

"Rhea didn't cause you any trouble?" I asked.

He shook his head again, however, there was something hidden within his eyes, I couldn't identify it though. I hummed slightly before nodding my head in contempt. There was a brief silence between us before it was ended by a sudden ringing on my phone. I groaned in annoyance, Blaze smirking at my reaction before I quickly answered the phone.

"Hello?" I sighed out softly, however, I was met by silence. "Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello Ms. Belmonte, I'm sure you're familiar with who I am however I'll clarify just to be sure. My name is Logan Winters and might I just say, you are really starting to piss me off"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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