A Dish Best Served Cold

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Pulling up to the restaurant, an unsettling feeling overcame me, I had a bad feeling about tonight. I brushed it off, fixing my make-up quickly before climbing out of my car. I wore a long flowing, red dress with a long slit on the side, accompanied by my black-heeled stilettoes (curtesy of Evie). I smiled over at the waiter as I approached the counter.

"Hi, I'm looking for reservations for a Rowan Hingers" I asked politely.

"Oh yes of course, right this way" he stuttered before guiding me to a table in the function room.

The waiter's eye fell to the ground as he stopped at the opening, I glanced at him questionably before understanding why he was so nervous. Sitting in front of us at a circular table was Logan, Leo, Rhea, Trent, Lola, Marcus and finally Rowan. I noticed that there was a vacant seat between Rhea and Rowan and I assumed it was mine. Alerted to my presence, Rowan hopped out of his seat, kissing me on the cheek in greeting before pulling out my chair for me, his eyes downcast.

"Ah Lucy, so glad you could join us" Logan exclaimed, a smirk on his face.

"Always a pleasure to be invited" I responded, smiling although it probably looked more like a grimace.

I could feel all of their eyes on me as I took my seat, smiling slightly over at Rhea who hesitated before nodding back briefly.

"Well please, help yourself to some wine" he finished, his eyes slightly narrowed.

I nodded in greeting towards the other members before taking a slight sip of wine from my glass.

"I trust business is good?" Logan asked suddenly, looking over towards Trent who nodded slightly, his arm slung across the back of Lola's chair.

"Business is booming as usual, of course it would be better if those damn Ravens stayed on their own territory" he muttered to Logan who nodded in response.

"My dear Lucy" he began, his voice slightly cold. "Tell us a bit about yourself?"

I tensed as the attention was once again drawn to me, I straightened my posture before plastering a fake smile on my face.

"There's not much to tell" I spoke, adding a slight laugh at the end for added affect.

"Oh please, I highly doubt that, after all you caught Rowan's attention" he smirked.

"Well...I grew up in a loving family, unfortunately I wasn't blessed with any siblings" I smiled sarcastically, sparing a glance at Leo.

"It truly is a blessing, isn't it Leo?" he asked, gesturing towards his brother.

Leo nodded his head, a slight smile on his face before he took a drink of wine. It was as though no one dared to speak at the table, only waiting for Logan's approval before speaking.

"Unfortunately, not every sibling is a blessing" he spoke as though heartbroken. "After all, just look at my traitorous brother Rin"

Everyone at the table tensed at the name, especially Leo while Rhea glared over at Logan.

"I'd say he was a gift to the family" Rhea finally spoke, defending Rin.

Logan glared over at her while Leo tensed as she spoke. Logan and Rhea glared sharply at each other, their eyes narrowed as hatred practically flowed between them.

"It seems you still haven't gained control of your woman" Logan bit out, his glare not leaving Rhea.

"Logan, I'd appreciate it if you could refrain from insulting my wife" Leo growled in Rhea's defense despite avoiding eye contact with Logan.

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