Episode 1

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You haven't done anything cool in a while Anton? It's been really boring around here lately. When are we going to do something cool? Can you please... "Shut up!!" Oh wow, why do you have to be so frenetic? How can you even use that word? I've never heard it before? I don't draw my knowledge from you. Huh? I didn't know that, wait why am I just listening to what you say. It's cause you need someone to converse with maybe you should go get some real friends. But if I did that you wouldn't have anybody to talk to anymore. I'll live. That's not tough at all.

Anton got out of bed shrugged off the conversation, and went to his kitchen and got some cereal. He went to the living room stared at the dirty couch brushed everything off it sat down and began to watch TV as he ate his cereal.

This show sucks. Hmm, I can't disagree.

So is this what you're going to do all day? What eat cereal and watch TV. Yeah. No around twelve I'll eat a sandwich. Wow that sounds like fun. It does doesn't it. I was being sarcastic. And I wasn't.

"Ahhh," Anton yawned, "Wow, I'm a real bored boy," he said aloud to himself.

Then head out somewhere and do something, you should try to get us some money as well while you're at it. Go find some odd job or something for us. Yeah! I'll go do that.

Anton got up off the couch and threw on a jacket and grabbed his car keys and began to walk over to the door.

Yo! Idiot you're not wearing any pants.

Anton looked down at himself.

Oh, yeah that's right. These are the times that I don't mind being crazy.

Anton quickly put on some pants and made his way to his car and began to drive.

It's a nice day. It's okay. What? You're the one who wanted to head out! Yeah so, doesn't mean I need to admire the day or anything. Ugh, your so difficult.

As Anton was finishing his thought he was surprised by flashing lights and a police siren. He was being pulled over, by what appeared to just be a civilian's vehicle, but was a detective's car

Oooooo... someone's in trouble. Man, your difficult sometimes I wonder.

The detective was getting out of her car. She slowly began to walk over to Anton's car. Anton gathered himself and checked his breath and then grabbed a loose mint from his pocket and quickly spit it out, and forked through his glove compartment finding a pack of mints, relieved he threw one in his mouth. She made it to his door seconds after Anton put the mint in his mouth. She was Anton's age. She had dark black hair with dyed blonde tips, she confidently wore sun glasses.

"So how's it going officer?" Anton ran his hand threw his hair. "I'm a detective," she replied. Anton shook off her remark. "So how's the whole law enforcement thing thing treating yah?" Anton asked "Heheh, its not bad." she was now leaning on his car. "You know I used to be in law enforcement too" "really?" she said in a playful voice, putting on a bright smile. "Yeah!" Anton said enthusiastically, he continued. "These streets weren't always like this there used to be like drugs here and stuff, people gettin' shot up, and jaywalking, real bad stuff but as soon as they put me on the beat I cleaned this place up real good." Anton's eyes had this sort of friendly glimmer to them now. "Wow, I didn't know that was you," she exclaimed. "Yep I'm pretty awesome aren't I?" Anton said sure of his words. "I would say so." "Yeah who wouldn't?" Anton added.

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