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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!'] 

"I like her!" I hear Hinata comment. I faceplant into the ground and cry anime style.
"Did you not see what she just did to me?!" She begins to giggle.
I smile and look towards the direction Kumiko was walking.
"Haha. Yeah. I like her too..."  

As i look, i see a person run up to her from behind.  

What should i do...?
How can i face him now?
He knows everything...    
As i walk around away from the group i was talking too just now, i hear the yelling of my name. "Kumiko-chan! Please, wait up!"
I sigh lightly.   'How did i know he was gonna do this?'  
I quickly turn around and smile. "What's up Naruto?" I ask as happily as i can. He furrows his eyebrows and looks at me funny. I shift my eyes and look at the ground.
"Kumiko-chan...I... I don't even know what to say...! I..." He begins first.
He shifts his eyes aswell and rubs the back of his blonde hair frantically.  My eyes are hidden from my dark brunette bangs.
I raise my head up to reveal my red orbs. "I told you already... You don't have to say anything. I just told you that because i had no other option."  
"B-but Kumiko! You're my friend! You can't just expect me to not react to what you told me! Esspecially something like th--" "It's not like i wanted to tell you!!" I interupt him yelling angrily.
I gasp at my own actions. I clench my fists even tighter. So tight, i'm pretty sure i drew blood...

I bite the inside of my lip as i see Naruto smile sadly. 
"Oh..." He says barely enough for me to hear. "Then i guess... I'm sorry... Heh heh..." He soon begins to walk away.

'No! Please! Don't go! That was a mistake!' I want to say it out loud... But my voice box refuses to let any sound come out of my body.

"N-" I stutter. "Na-Naru..." I stick my hand out slightly to his direction.
"NARUTO, WAIT!!" I finally manage to yell out. It was a little hoarse too... He turns around slightly.
His face full of sadness. 
I feel tears prickle at the edges of my eyes. I try my very best to swallow the huge lump in my throat.  'My hands are trembling...'
"I...I'm sorry. Please don't go. I didn't mean that... I...!" I begin to panick as i raise my hands up to my face with wide eyes. "It's just... hard, y'know?" I hear him chuckle. I raise me blushing my face. He looks at me from the side. 
"You just reminded me of my mom... the way you said 'yknow'" He starts chuckling more.

I smile gently. 

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment, y'know" I add. We both begin to laugh together. 
"I'm sorry..." He says suddenly. "I always tend to do that... I tend to go overboard with helping people and their problems... When it's not even none of my buisness..." His face downcasts.
"That's not true." I say right after he finsishes. He looks up at me with wonder in his azure eyes. "It is your buisness... You are a special a friend to me." I smile warmly. I hear him gasp slightly. I walk towards him. "And we care for eachother..." I continue to look up at him. 'I always thought that i was taller than him...' I giggle at my thought.  The sides of his mouth raises up as he nods.

That's all i feel. That, and relief. Relief that i can trust her to come to me if anything's bothering her. Happy that i can go to her if anything's bothering me...
You know what i just noticed...?    

I've never had a friendship like this...  

I grin widely. "Friends forever?" I say sticking my pinkey out. I see her smile.
"Yeah... friends forever!" She replies happily.

Then... she did what i expected the least... She pulls down my hand with the pinkey promise out.   Instead...   She embraces me tightly.  

I feel her grip around me tighten as she smiles gently. I look down at her and blush. I soon regain thought.  I slowly bring my hands up and wrap it around her body. As she snuggles into the crook of my neck, i tighten my grip even more. I know it's creepy, but what i first noticed was that she smelt like strawberries.  I close my eyes and take in the moment that i might not get ever again...   We soon let go of our tight hug. Not letting go. Just loosening. She looks up at me and gives me a sparking grin. I feel my cheeks heat up and my mouth opens a little in amazement.    But then her red eyes widen in wonder...  
'It can't be...' I think to myself as we stare at eachother.  

'I'm pretty sure that...'

'I'm in love...'

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now