The Grand Ball

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Held down by Maleficent's tail, Jasmine's abdomen and ribs are in the process of being crushed. The Fairy Tail mage winced in pain, but refused to make any actual signs that she was in pain. Her tough exterior wouldn't allow such a sign of "weakness."

However, Maleficent could tell that the girl was in pain. And that made her grin. "You don't know how much I'm enjoying this." She said as she pressed her tail against Jasmine harder.

Jasmine inhaled sharply has she felt a rib crack. Closing her eyes in an attempt to minimize the pain, she faintly heard a voice.

"I'm gonna get her back no matter what it takes!"

She knew that voice. That was Laxus. He was coming for her. But then she remembered that Maleficent was a Lightning Dragon. No! She thought, suddenly being filled with the desire to take down the dragon trying to kill her before Laxus shows up.

Because Laxus' magic will have no effect on the Queen of all Dragons.

Jasmine attempted to move her arms and legs, but they were held down securely. There was also the problem of the shooting pain that shot throughout her body whenever she attempted to move a limb.

"Iron Dragon's," She heard, knowing exactly which dragon slayer it was. "Roar!" The breath attack hit Maleficent's back, making her arch it slightly.

That was when Gajeel became visible, standing on top of the dragon's head.

"Sorry, but I can't let you kill her." He grunted. His arm transformed into an iron saw and he proceeded to cut the dragon's scales.

"Jasmine!" Laxus shouted, becoming visible as well as the other member of Fairy Tail. The blond (and the others) immediately ran toward the injured girl's side while Gajeel had the dragon somewhat distracted.

"Are you okay?" Laxus asked, kneeling next to his girlfriend. He scanned her current position - trapped under a dragon's body, more specifically, the large tail.

"Can you move?" Raph asked, also concerned.

Jasmine shook her head, signaling that she could not move. "My ribs are broken." She managed to say through the pain.

"Foolish insects!" Maleficent snarled, lifting her tail off of Jasmine and using it to swat at Gajeel. She threw him down the street, resulting in him landing back-first into a brick building.

While Jasmine was free, Laxus worked quickly, moving her backwards and away from danger. However, with each movement, Jasmine winced in pain which caused Laxus to soften at the tough.

"You filthy humans think you can stop me from fulfilling my goal?" Maleficent snarled once again. "You think you have a chance of defeating a dragon?"

"Let me have a wack at it." Raph muttered, reaching for his sword.

"Don't." Jasmine huffed, causing the exceed to halt his movements.

"Don't talk, okay." Laxus suggested, seeing how much pain she was in. "I'll get you to a healer as soon as I can."

Jasmine opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a battle cry.


Fairy Tail members gasped, witnessing Gajeel take this form, considering that (1) he had just obtained the power not too long ago and (2) he was not fully healed from the Grand Magic Games.

"Disgusting little-" Maleficent hissed.


The dragon grunted as she was hit with the attack, but other than that there was no visible evidence of damage to her.

"Even after that attack?" Macao wondered aloud, astonished that the dragon still stood without a visible scratch.

"I will destroy you all!" The dragon yelled. She spread her wings and let out a roar, but then her body began to glow in a gold color. "Wha-What's happening?" She growled as her body began to disappear. "This isn't over, humans!" That was the last thing Maleficent said before she vanished.

With the threat gone, the members of Fairy Tail sighed in relief.

The next day a formal ball was help by the King for the Fiore wizards who participated in the Games and helped fight the dragons. All the dragons that came to Fiore disappeared back to their own time.

After healing and much needed rest, the King decided that he should thank the mages in the form of a party.

Jasmine stood in front of a mirror, her hand pressed gently on her healed ribcage. She wore a black dress that hugged her curves (but wasn't too tight) and stopped just above her knees. The dress has slits, which showed off her shoulders. Her hair was done in a high ponytail and she also wore black stud earrings along with black high heels to match the dress.

No one has ever seen Jasmine dress up before, so this was practically mind blowing for anyone who saw her.

"Don't we look stunning?" Raph smirked, standing on Jasmine's shoulder. He matched his partner, wearing a black tux.

"I don't want to go out there." Jasmine stated in a monotone voice.

"Yes, but the King invited us." Raph informed her (even though she already knew that). "We have to be present."

"I don't have to do anything." She grumbled.

"Jasmine," Mirajane poked her head into the girls' dressing room, smiling. "Laxus is looking for you."

"I'm not going." She replied stubbornly.

"Yes, you are." Raph grinned, lifting Jasmine gently before flying out of the dresing room.

"Raphael, put me down!" Jasmine scolded. The exceed did as he was told in fear of being punished by an angry Jasmine.

"There you are." Jasmine turned her head and saw Laxus approaching her with a small smile. "You look beautiful."

"He practiced how he was going to say that to you for twenty minutes." Mira suddenly informed, sneaking up between the couple.

"G-Go away, Mira!" Laxus growled, a light pink blush on his cheeks. He was clearly embarrassed about the whole ordeal, and he obviously didn't want Jasmine to know.

Guess he shouldn't have been caught practicing by Mirajane.

"Oh, fine, fine." Mira giggled, waving her hand lightly. "I'll leave you two alone." She walked away with a satisfied smile on her face with Raph flying next to her (also giving Laxus and Jasmine some space).

"I, uh," Laxus stuttered nervously, scratching the back of his head. "I-I didn't actually practice telling you that you would look beautiful."

Jasmine raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side, signaling that she didn't completely believe him. Then she decided to play around with him.

"So I'm not beautiful?" She asked.

"What?" Laxus asked, shocked. His body tensed up at her question. "O-Of course, you are. I just . . . I-It's just that . . . . I mean . . ." As the blond stuttered and stumbled over his words, he heard a small, faint laugh. Looking at his girlfriend, he realized that Jasmine was actually laughing.

He hasn't seen her laugh since she was a little girl. It's been years. Her laugh caused a smile to spread across his face.

It seems that Laxus has managed to weave his way into Jasmine's heart.

The Lightning Empress [Cobra/Erik x OFC x Laxus] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now