The Grand Magic Games

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After three months of training, it was announced that the Grand Magic Games were going to be held in a couple of weeks. Once Makarov heard what the games entailed, he decided to sign Fairy Tail up.

He picked out the Fairy Tail team: Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Wendy. However, he did not tell those five that he was also entering a second Fairy Tail team.

This team consisted of Mirajane, Gajeel, Juvia, Jasmine, and Laxus.

And when Fairy Tail A (Natsu's team) found out about a second team after the preliminaries, they weren't entirely thrilled.

Especially since they lost to Fairy Tail B in the priliminary round.

Despite their differences, both teams were wizards of Fairy Tail.
And their sole enemy was Sabertooth.

Sabertooth had taken the title of "Strongest Guild in Fiore" while the Tenrou group was missing.

This team consisted of Sting, a white/light dragon slayer; Rouge, a shadow dragon slayer; Rufus, another pretty boy; Orga, a lightning god slayer; and Ashley, a water dragon slayer.

This tournament is gonna be interesting. Jasmine thought, smirking.

Jasmine Drake, Ashley thought as she stared at her fellow female dragon slayer, also known as the legendary Lightning Empress. I'll defeat you.

And thus, the Grand Magic Games began!

Since this is Fairy Tail's (the Tenrou group) first time competing, they started off rough; not gaining any points.

They weren't used to the tournament's rules and the style of the Games.

Needless to say, the once strongest guild was now the laughing stock of Fiore.

That is, until the final match of the day.

"Jura Neekis from Lamia Scale versus Jasmine Drake from Fairy Tail B!"

Not having faith in Fairy Tail, the crowd of citizens cheered for Jura, the Wizard Saint, and laughed at the lightning dragon slayer. They forgot all about the strongest and most feared woman in Fairy Tail.

So, when Jasmine was holding her own against the Lamia Scale Mage, the crowd was stunned.

"Who the heck is she?"

"Wait - Jasmine Drake? Wasn't she Fairy Tail's strongest female wizard seven years ago?"

"Fairy Tail's strongest female wizard?"

"Oh yeah, I remember her!"

The crowd's attitude toward the Fairy Tail Mage started to change. And some even cheered for her.

And when Jasmine defeated the Wizard Saint, the arena went silent.

That night, on day one of the Grand Magic Games, Fairy Tail celebrated their first win.

And it was all thanks to Jasmine.

"You did great out there." Laxus commented, sitting down next to Jasmine. The guild was at a bar, the Sun Bar, hosting their celebration.

The Lightning Empress [Cobra/Erik x OFC x Laxus] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now