.13. That Image

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Picture - Hitomi The Worrier

Dear Diary;

Yesterday. A whole day since I've met my mom. I haven't told anyone about being a "Warrior". Natsume is the only one who knows. I hope to keep it that way... I haven't been going to class either. Why? Well, things keep happening around me! Like, for example, things kept burning up in flames. No, not blue flames, REAL FLAMES! Of course I'm not going to tell anyone. It only happens when I'm really angry. I think it has something with me being a "Warrior".

I sighed closing my journal, hearing knocks from my door. I quickly put out the flames and opened the door. Only reviling half of my face. It was Ruka and Natsume. "U-umm, hi guys!" I said. Still not opening the door. Now that I think about it... Doesn't Natsume have the Fire Alice... HOW DID I EVEN FORGET THAT?! I look behind me the floor is burnt... "Can we come in?" Natsume asked. I shook my head starting to close my door but he stopped it with his foot. He pushed the door open and walked in. I let out a frustrated sigh as I look at Ruka who was still waiting for me to invite him in. Well at least Ruka has manners unlike someone! "Come on in." I told Ruka. He nodded walking in. I closed the door behind him. Natsume was looking at the floor. Great. "H-hey Natsume. What ya lookin at?" "How did you burn the floor?" I nervously laughed. "I meant to burn a sandwich but I burnt the floor." I said, he didn't seem to believe me. "You're in complete control with your blue fire alice." He said. "How would you even know that!?" I yelled at him. I sighed. "Look, can you guys just leave." I said. Natsume was looking behind me. I'm guessing a flame lit. "Hitomi, explain." He commanded. I knew the flame grew bigger thanks to sweet little Ruka. "I think it may have something to do with me being a "warrior"." I said sitting on my bed. I used my blue fire to put out the regular flame. "Warrior?" Ruka asked. Natsume explained what happened when we were at my father's house. "Wait! Hitomi! You could have took me with you!" I rolled my eyes. "I know, but I didn't, so get over it." I snapped at him. "Maybe I should talk to Narumi-sensei about this. I mean. He knew my mother! So he has to know something." I said standing up. I opened my door. "Before I leave, you two need to get out." The both left my room and followed me.


"What do you mean "you don't know who that is."?!" I yelled in frustration. Narumi-sensei quickly put a bracelet on my wrist. I looked around the room and saw it wasn't on fire. "You... What did you do?" I asked him. "That was your mothers." He said. "SO YOU LIED!" I yelled. I asked him if he knew my mom and he said no. That little liar. "Yes, I lied, but I didn't know she would make you the new warrior." He said. "This is the best you'll get buddy!" I yelled pointing a finger at him. "Sorry." I mumbled. I haven't been acting myself. What is wrong with me?! "It's alright. Your mother was the same way." He said crouching down to my level. "My mother is weird." I said. "Yeah, she seemed a lot like Mikan." I nodded in agreement. "They both are always in a good mood." We both started laughing since we said it at the same time. "That bracelet should help keep those other Alice's from happening again. And the mood swings should stop after a while." He said. I smiled and hugged him. "Haha, you're like a father I've never had." I laughed and let him go. He smiled as I walked off with Natsume and told him about the bracelet.

Even Later~

Dear Diary;

Ruka had told me things I have missed. Yuu has had her Alice stolen and Hotaru... Hotaru was severely injured. This person. "Z" had stolen Yuu's Alice and someone who was with Z tried to shoot Mikan but Hotaru blocked the bullet and it hit her instead. I miss Hotaru, things are kinda sad without her. Maybe it's sad because she's in the hospital and they won't let me heal her. It's frustrating! This wouldn't have happened if I had just stayed at the school and didn't go see my mother.

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