Exciting News!

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Chels! Rose! Get down here please I have something very important to tell you.

Ughhhh that was my mother sorry Kylie Jenneeerr but I gotta go bye see you tonight. Yes Kylie Jenner is my best friend we have been since our mums were friends when we were both in our mummy's tummy. I am very close with her family and she is with mine. Her family is like a second family to me. I quickly ended my phone call with Kylie on my black iphone 5, walked out of my secret walk in wardrobe kind of like the one on Hannah Montana and went downstairs to see what my mum wanted.

I went straight to the kitchen to see my mother Maria and sister Rose were sitting down on the dinner table. Rose was looking straight at me strangely and my mother looking down at the table.

Whhatss up??? I said.

Well you remember Gina don't you?? You were about 11 years old when you last saw her. She use to be best friends with Kris and I. Don't think you would remember her 3 kids though. Anyways she  and her 3 sons need a place to stay due to personal reasons and I told her that she will be more than welcome to stay with us. My mum said very quietly.

I looked at my mother. I couldn't be more happier! Yeah it would be a full house but it would be fun. I never really have had a big family even though I am Italian but that's on my dad's side and we don't tak to my dad or my family on his side at all.

I hope your ok with all of this...... my mum said

OK WITH THIS ARE YOU SERIOUS THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN! OMG. It's like have new little brothers!

Chels you know it's going to be a lot more harder, you and Rose have to promise me you will help around the house more and you have to be careful when using your magic powers with them. Gina knows that we are wizards but her boys don't so no more using the red magic carpet,poofing too and from places and no more flying.

also no suspicially going into the walk in freezer to get to the secret room with all the spell books, secret caves and wizard world entry! 

cant we just tell them mum! We can trust them can't we? When we told ki ki (Kylie's nickname) and her family  they promised not to speak a word of it! What about them!?

Chelsea you don't even remember them, lets just cross that bridge when we come to it but from when they move in no more magic when there around. Ok? 

Yes mum.


yep sure thing mum.


Mum how old are her sons? Rose asked

Beau is about 20 years old and Jai and Luke who are twins are 18 years old. 

maybe not so little brothers then I said to myself.

6:00 pm

(Knock on the door)

ill get it I said its Kylie don't worry guys.

i opened the door and saw of course Kylie putting her iPod away and gave me a massive bear hug.

HEY GURRLLL! We both said together its kind of scary how alike we both are sometimes

i have some gossip for YOOOU I told her when we were walking to the backyard where we sit and just talk about life. 

We found our usual spot in the backyard and I told her the story.

Hey Guys this is my second fanfic my first one i didn't really update and ran out of ideas so i started a new one. This one is very different to the other fanfictions because this girl Chelsea  is a wizard bla bla blahhh..... Anyways if you like this story please heart it and I will promise to update regulary

ok thanks byeeeeeeeeeeee

Also my twitter username is @SecuteJanoskian so please follow me on there <3 x

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