Birthday sex

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Obviously things are going to get more beware, and don't say I never warned you.

Its been two weeks since I came home from that stupid hospital. I was so glad when I finally went through the front door of the building, but I was also bummed because I was in a wheelchair. Still, I was so imensly overjoyed that now I didnt have to be constantly surrounded by doctors, and I could move on my own. Such a relief. Sadly Josh has only been giving me little kisses until he finally moved to his grandmas, so I dont see him that much anymore. He only comes over for about an hour each day, and sometimes he doesnt come over at all. Those days are the worst. But I would take a whole week without seeing him over what happened at the hospital... Jessica showed up and we had to explain to her everything that has happened between us. She stayed silent the entire time until the very end. All she did was stand up, walk over to the door and say, "You are going to pay for this Dylan, I cant believe you left me for a guy." And with that she just stomped her foot, flipped her hair, and stormed out the door. Josh and I both sighed, even he knew to expect this. I honestly thought it would be a lot worse. What really kills me though is how Josh never told me what that note said. The note my mother gave him. My mother... She left last week. We had an amazing time though, before she left. Finally, we got to be a real family again... Right now I was just laying on my bed staring at the wall. Josh hadnt called for a couple days and I was beginning to think he wasnt going to come over so often. He hadnt been over for about four days now. I knew I shouldnt be worried, but I dont want to make him feel overwhelmed. I never got my chance to BE WITH him because he never has enough time! And Im afraid to ask him because I know he is probably not as into it as I was... The thought killed me. Knowing that seeing me less is probably making him not love me as much. Because he's not amuned to having me there constantly. As I layed in bed I didnt notice my window slowly sliding open from the outside. I jumped suddenly when I felt a cold pair of hands on my shoulder. "Ah!" I breathed as I saw someone behind me. "Sorry," Emily muttered, "did I wake you up?" she giggled and I sat up facing her. She said next to me and I looked at her confused. "Why did you come through my window..? I havnt seen you since...?" I trailed off, remembering that day. "Oh... I didnt want Cole to see me, I'll go into his room next but I wanted to apologize to you first," she looked down slowly. I sighed and put my arms around her. "Em, its okay, I know you must love him." My words were true and I knew that she has to love him because she is not the kind of person that would just do that. My brother though... I dont really know him that well... He's always changing. "Thank you so much Dylly," she sighed, "I do, I love him so much..." she kissed my cheek and started to head towards the door. I layed back down and started to close my eyes as she turned off the light. "By the way, Josh is here." I could hear a smile in her voice as she shut the door. I instantly opened my eyes and jolted up, looking around anxiously. Adrenaline, butterflies, love, and hope all shot through my body in a thirty-fourth of a second. Josh was standing by the door, leaning against the wall casually, grinning. He looked normal, but in a way, he was a whole new person after just four long days. "Josh..." I breathed a sigh of relief as he came over and embraced me warmly, catching his lips in mine. Yes, now was my chance. I have to, need to do this. I didnt say anything and neither did he. No words needed to be said except 'I love you.' And so we did say it between kisses. He knew what was happening and so did I. We are going to finally make love. No restraint and no caution in our motions as we undressed eachother, not breaking our kiss unless to move clothes out of the way. His lips never left mine, and he continued to lay on top of me. We kissed passionately, slowly his hands left my shoulders for a moment, and I could feel him slipping on a condom. I guess that means he's leading, perfect, I wouldnt have it any other way. His touch made me go absolutly insane, and a warm chill ran up my spine when he slowly flipped me over so I was laying on my stomach. Not too soon after we resumed our kiss and he was starting try to make me as comfortable as I could possibly be. "This is going to hurt... isnt it...?" I knew it was going too. But was one of the many prices to having sex. But at least it was worth it. "Yes... I'm sorry..." he murmered. "Dont be, just... do it," I whispered in his ear. He obeyed and pressed his body against mine, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I held in a low whimper for a couple minutes, and as this endless pain in heaven seemed go on, I became more aware of what was really happening... His arms wrapped around me, holding my back firmly against his stomach. I gripped the blankets, holding onto them for dear life. I moaned softly as he thrusted forward, sending my body into another spasm. He kept his mouth on mine, our tongues tangling and untangling, constantly weaving around eachother. Sweat trickled down my back and matted my hair down. He continued to jolt his body forward, tightening his grip on my waist. But somehow the pain only made it that much more pleasurable. The only way I knew I was is in pain was because of the cold streams of tears running down my face. But then again, that could be from pleasure. His gorgeous, sculpted shoulders tensed. And everytime he moved, or made a sound; I instantly wanted more. My body demanded it, and I was extremely pleased when I got it. My breathing was heavy, and I struggled to catch my breath. And somehow, this was all too much... My mind and body couldnt comprehend the things that I was experiencing. Physically and Emotionally. All I knew now was that I never wanted to stop, I wanted more. But with every move... I was losing it. I wanted to lose it. I wanted to feel overwhelmed by this angel that is Josh. Even with all of this; I still wanted him to hold me tighter, to kiss harder, to apply more force with every movement. And so he did exactly that. And suddenly I was a lot hotter, and I felt him tremble; desperately trying to keep me where I was. I continued to let my tongue wrestle his, and I fell under the chaotic spell of love and pleasure. Heaven. And here I was, making love to an angel. The one I love more than anything in the entire world. Joshua... My Joshua.....  I was hot. I was sweating. And I couldnt stop hyperventelating. It was two a.m. in the morning and I havent slept in two days. I was glad in a way, that way I could stay up and think about what just happened. It was absolutely incredible. Apparently the condom didnt work so we had some cleaning up to do, and I giggled at the thought of Josh's face when he wake's up. I guess it should be embarrassing, but it was also proof that it actually happened. Finally... it happened... I looked up at his peaceful face. I just cant believe this amazing person was all mine. I never had to share him with anybody, and I never had to let him go. I was facing him and he had his arms around me as usual. And as much as I was enjoying this moment, I was extremely uncomfortable. Literally though. I was wet and I was starting to get sticky. With resention, I started to slide out of bed, making sure not to wake him. I know he must be exhausted, he must've put a lot of effort into it if he got done so fast. I'm sure he was so preoccupied with the feeling that he didnt even notice that the condom broke. I headed into the bathroom and turned the shower on. But the second I spun around to look in the mirror, I nearly had a heart attack. My hair was insane and I looked like someone had drowned me, brought me back to life, sprayed me with a fire extinguisher, and then used a blow dryer to clean me off. Wow, haha, at least I was happy. How could Josh be so beautiful after that, and then I looked like a drowned cat?! So unfair. I jumped in the shower quickly, making sure to clean myself as much as I could. I had to be PERFECT. And even when I was, I would never come close to being nearly as perfect as Josh was. As I watched soap bubbles go down the drain; I leaned against the wall and let the hot water run down my stomach. My wet hair stuck to my forhead and made water drip down onto my face. I just slid down and wrapped my arms around my knees, burying my head so the water couldnt get in my eyes. But I still felt it roll down my back. Was I really ready for that? It was obviously the best night of my life, but I was always one to believe in abstinence... I AM seventeen... and even though I know I sound like every other teenager... I do wish that I would marry him in the next couple of years. The thought that we might not be together in a few years made tears run down my face. I wanted so badly to believe that he really was my true love, and I got lucky when I found him earlier than most people. But I knew one thing; our future together was completely his call. Of course my infatuation with him was much more than a regular teen, but was that the case with Josh? Did he REALLY love me as much as I loved him? I stood up and- hypathetically- slapped myself. Of course he did. He wouldve never done that if he hadnt. I squeezed my eyes shut and put my face under the running water so see how long I could hold my breath. Not very long, only about fourty-six seconds. I gave up trying to beat my record and turned the water off. I just leaned against the wall and stood there in the heat. Steam rose up in front of my nose. I was so dazed off that I didnt even notice the door opening. All of the sudden Josh opened the curtain and looked at me questioningly. "AH!!!" I yelled, but I made sure that my voice didnt echo throughout the entire house. He scared me so much that I slipped and hit my head on the side of the wall. "Dylan! Oh my god are you okay?!" he bent down and helped me sit up. I winced and rubbed my head. I sighed, at least it wasnt as bad as last time. "Why?!" I threw my hands up and reached for my towel. He just pulled me away and into his arms. "Ummm..." I murmered quietly. "...Sorry..." he kissed my shoulder and smiled at me. "Oh..." I realized. He had just woken up and was in a state of bliss, just like me. Yes. He did love me as much as I loved him. "That was... so... amazing... I..." He seemed like he was struggling with his words. The whole time I watched him try to describe it; we both had huge smiles on our faces. Soon, his words didnt make sense and I couldnt help but start cracking up. He stopped and gave me a skeptical look. "Haha, I love you too," I kissed him softly, barely putting pressure on his lips. He kissed back, only with slightly more force. "Stop!" I gasped, quickly. He pulled back instantly, a confused and hurt look on his face. I slid back and stood up, breathing in and out, hurridly trying to fill my lungs with air. I was always out of breath after I take a shower. Mainly because my showers are extremely hot. The look on his face killed me, and I can tell he has the wrong impression. "Josh..." I whispered, bending down, "I couldn't breath... thats it..." I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his neck. Hesitantly, he hugged me back. I chuckled softly. "I cant believe you would think I dont enjoy your kisses." He laughed and held me tighter. I suddenly got an idea, remembering that night by the river. I opened my mouth and started to lick his neck, going up to his jaw, down to his chest and then to his stomach. Haha! My plan worked, I could feel him... get hard... I looked up at his face and he was absolutly stunned. I grinned and slid my tongue down further. He got harder. I kept going until I was sure his pants were going to explode, and the second he made a sound, I got up and ran through the open door. "Dylan!" His voice was panicked. "Ow! Why would you do that?!" I laughed and tumbled on the floor, rolling around and holding my stomach. When I had ran through the door, I noticed it was a lot cooler out here. I could breath a lot easier. That same second he fell on top of me, and he pinned my arms above my head. His expression was angry and playful. "Do you know how much this hurts?!" he looked down slowly. I chuckled again. "I... um... have an idea..." he stood up searched around for something. "Where are my pants?" he scratched his head. I pointed to the bed. "You ARE NOT putting your pants on," I demanded. I froze after I said that, though it was true, I still sounded like a rapist. He chuckled and stuck his hand in his pocket. I sighed, "What are you doing?" though I feel as though I dont really want to know the answer. Josh sat on my bed, ignoring my question. He smiled at me and handed me two small objects. I pushed my thick covers out of the way and sat on my knees next to him. I looked down at what I had in my hands. I knew I should've been questioning it, but I knew exactly why he would want these things. I sucked in a deep, sharp breath. "A condom and a camera?"  *~*~*~*~  "Why do we need a camera...?" I asked slowly, ignoring the condom. "To capture the moment!" He giggled and took it from me, turning it on. I cant believe it but I almost feel like I dont trust him... NO! Okay... I just need to sort this out... "You mean... like...?" My breath caught. I hope to god thats not what he had in mind. I stopped breathing, and tensed myself for his answer. THAT wiped the grin off his face. "Hell no, I would never do something as awful as that!" He kissed me slowly, "Only if you mean putting them on the enternet or showing anybody..." he grinned and kissed me again. Before he could do anything else I pushed him off and gave him a confused look. "But we're still going to video tape it?" "Not exactly... you've heard of pictures right?" he laughed and slid his hands down my ribs and across my stomach. "Josh, stop!" I stood up and tried to keep myself from smacking him. "Why do you need pictures?!" I yelled. For some odd reason, now when I looked at Josh he seemed like some horny pervert. 

  "Dylan! Dylan!" Josh whispered urgently in my ear. I could hear the panic in his voice, and I forced my eyes open. "Hmmm..." I groaned. My head was throbbing and I had the hugest migrane. When I finally got my eyes open the first thing I saw was Josh's face. I became more aware of what was happening. I was all wet and I was laying in my shower. "Ugh..." I moaned in pain. Well at least I could move, unlike last time. "Oh, Dylan you're okay!" He hugged me softly. "I thought I'd lost you again," he chuckled nervously. "What happened...?" I asked slowly. "Haha, you fell and hit your head. Next thing I know your blacking out again," he brushed his nose up against my neck, "come on, you need to rest your head, you've had a long night." He helped me up and turned the water off, then he guided me back to bed. So it was all just a dream... he's not going to film us... "Josh... do you have a camera?" I know it must sound random. But I have to know. He layed me down gently, before he went back into the bathroom. He came back with a towel, and, sitting next to me, gently and soothingly he moved me so I was laying on my back. The sheets were so soft and his hands were so smooth... I nearly fell asleep but I forced myself to stay awake. Then I felt the towel on me. He was drying my hair and back. Ugh... my back again... I couldnt help it and I felt myself slipping. There was something I needed to tell him. "I'll never break your heart..." I forced those words to slip through my still lips. "I love you Dylan... forever..." those were the last words my lover whispered until I was completely under. This is whats going to happen. This is what needs to happen. This is fate.

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