Oh come on!

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When I woke up Josh was there as he promised. I was laying on my stomach and he had put my pants back on. He was laying on his side next to me, holding me in his arms. For once he was still sleeping when I woke up. I traced his nose with my fingertips, then his lips. He still didnt wake up and I decided to let him sleep. I twisted around and saw a  bunch of suitcases and bags on the floor. But not enough to have all of his clothes in it, maybe just enough for a week long vacation. I winced when I realized thats all he had.

Quietly, I evened my breathing with his and thought about the previous night. That was so amazing... I didnt think I could be so happy. He's never disappointed me in anything he's done. ESPECIALLY that! Words cant even describe the amount of butterflies and love that flooded my body, and they still havent even gone away yet. How could one person have such control over me like that? I dont have and answer to that, and that doesnt bother me at all.  I leaned forward and kissed his chest briefly before sliding out of bed. Thankfully he was still sleeping, so I decided to brush my teeth before he woke up. My breath cant possibly smell good considering I forgot to brush yesterday.

I went into my bathroom and tried to brush as quietly and quickly as possible. When I was done and minty I headed back into my room. He had his back turned to me and he was facing the wall. I climbed in next to him and wrapped my arms around him. He turned around and hugged me again, not opening his eyes. He didnt do anything but that. I just nestled my face into his neck and listened to his breathing, heavier, since he was obviously still sleeping. His body is used to holding me so he only did that subconciously.

I smiled, how cute. I looked up at his face. He was peaceful, quiet. Even in the morning he was still beautiful, and I loved how his hair stuck in different directions, so he looked like a teenager, yet childish at the same time.

I watched him sleep for about another half an hour until finally, he began to stir.

"Hey you," I whispered. He smiled.

"Hey." I sat up and started to get out of bed.

"Come on, we have a lot of stuff to do today," I said as I started going through one of his suitcases, looking for something for him to wear. He instantly sat up.

"My clothes are in that one," he said a rushed tone, but I barely caught the defensiveness is his voice. He pointed to a different suitcase.

"Um, okay," I closed the one I was looking through and started opening the other one.

"So what do we have to do anyway?" he asked, standing up. I shrugged.

"I figured we could go to the beach or something..." I sat back and started thinking over last night. He chuckled when he saw me blush.

"Did you like it?" He asked reaching for me, and pulling me into his lap. I kissed his neck and pushed him back down on the bed. He was only wearing a t-shirt and boxers, so it wasnt that hard for me to get his clothes off.

"Duh," I muttered into the base of his throat. I pulled away so I could get my pants off. I dont know what we were doing right now... I dont know if we were about to have sex... or... just make out... I would be fine either way. I just bent down and licked his lips. Even in the morning he tasted like mint and fruit.

He sighed and pulled away.

"Dylan you can never get enough." He chuckled. I shook my head and put my arms around his neck.

"I dont think I'll ever get enough," I laughed, kissing him again. He wrapped his arms around my back.

"Well I'm not gonna suck you again if thats what your talking about," he said around my lips. I pulled back and put on a pouty face.

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