Lunch Time

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It is a well known fact ship girls can have large appetites battleships and carriers were looking at you, but ship guys are something else. You must all be wondering why is that well apparently male and female warships are built differently just like humans a male warship has more ship to sustain relative to ship girls and they carry more ammunition and fuel Kaiho was learning this fact first hand.

Mess Hall: Japan

It was  a normal day in the mess hall except for one difference whi-

(nom, slurp, crunch, slurp, nom, nom, gulp, munch, nom,  ahm, nom, slurp)

yeah, as I was saying the difference today being the aircraft carrier kaiho he had just returned from a patrol and unfortunately for the bases resources he was inhaling everything like really this man can eat akagi under the table and back and still have room for seconds it's ridiculous fortunately he is limited to the bare minimum of resources he needs but that doesn't mean it wasn't a lot though.

"phew...that's better at least my stomach won't try to tear itself open least for now" he got up from his seat and thanked Mamiya

"now then what to do next" suddenly kaiho gets a message from his chief engineer

"yeah what is it"

"desu..desu.....desu..desu desu..desu" said the fairy

"you sure my planes need to be checked out I just got back" replied kaiho

"desu..desu...desu.....desu...desu...desu "

"good point alright I'll go to the range and take a look at them" said kaiho

soon kaiho was on his way to the carrier range, kaiho is rather solitary and prefers to practice alone and also prefers to take care of his planes alone. The main reason for that is because he can operate pretty much any Japanese single piston engine aircraft so long it has the proper modifications but one that means a lot of different parts can get mixed up and end up in the carrier girls planes which would be bad. Also Akashi and Yubari have been trying to replicate his AA guns, FC systems, and radar because 1. they're actually pretty good and 2. he's the only one who has them. Finally after a bit of walking  he made it to the carrier range soon after he summons his equipment.

His flight deck, island, bow, swords and other weapons appeared on his body then he takes his flight deck and detaches it from his equipment and sends the rest back. He leans his flight deck on a nearby wall and pulls out a folding table and lays his flight deck on top it and flips it over takes out a large black box. He set the rest of the flight deck down and opens the box within it were a series of compartments each holding arrows.

"ok now which planes needed to be checked " said kaiho

suddenly a small fairy wearing a hard hat appeared on kaiho's shoulder and jumped down on the table.

"desu..desu..desu..desu" said the fairy

"all of them huh, alright whatever you say" replied kaiho with a shrug

unlike other carriers kaiho can use a large selection of aircraft some of which never existed as real planes but like kaiho they existed in the void and now they exist here along with him.

"so fighters first" 

the fairy nods


Kaiho takes groups of arrow and lay them on the table, suddenly his sends his energy through the arrows and they morph into various Japanese fighter aircraft there were a few types the first were his beloved KI-84's and N1K's but also there were KI-100's, J6K's, Ki-73's and even A6M8's. Now I'm sure most of you people reading this don't have a clue what these planes are so I'll explain.

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