Who Are You

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The admirals office

" I see admiral I completely understand why you want to question us so we'll to you who we are"

" what are you saying " said the carrier

" these people helped us in our time besides we need to clear things up " said Montana with a stern commanding tone

" I'll introduce myself  first I'm the American "paper ship" the super dreadnaught BB-67 USS Montana"

Fujimara was not disappointed he did fit the description of a super dreadnaught Montana was about 6'7" he was wearing a navy blue spring jacket with his hull number on his left shoulder, he had on black jeans with white running shoes with a white vest under his jacket. He had short black hair with brilliant green eyes and looked about 22 years old, also he had scars on his neck and on his left eye although he could still see finally he had fingerless gloves.

" how is this possible the Montana class were never built" asked Fujimara

" that is true however ships that were never built still have souls but they don't get to rest in peace like our counter parts instead we are trapped in another world where we fight, and evolve until we fade away from existence"

Everyone takes a moment to process what they just heard because if what Montana said is true then the ships of japan and other nations never built could be summoned back and help with the abyssal threat. 

" if that's case why did you appear now and why are you all males " asked the admiral

" we don't know why were here we heard a voice offer us help we accepted and then were here, and the reason were males is to due to the other world called the "VOID" because it's just endless expanse of ocean with 10 levels we became males because when we entered we technically were neither he or she because we never existed and after we entered we manifested as males "

Everyone goes wide eyed at that explanation and fubuki was just trying to figure out how ships that never existed can have a spirit let alone be males.

" so if a ship is not built it's neither he or she " reasoned Fujimara

" that's correct admiral" said Montana

" what about your friends "

" they are my brothers "

Fujimara raises an eyebrow at this comment

" you call them your brothers"

" well actually I have a brother and 3 sisters, but the reason I call them brothers is because we operate like a fleet in the void together we fight it doesn't really matter what or who you are"

" hmmm...well then  this is an interesting development so does this mean you know Japanese paper ships " asked the admiral

" oh yes our particular group has many Japanese paper ships in fact one of them is right behind me"

The admiral looks at the young  man behind Montana he looked about 20 was about 6'2" he also had some visible scars on his neck he was wearing a black and red vest with a white T- shirt and a white scarf with the imperial chrysanthemum embroidered on it, he had on black pants like Montana but with red markings and black boots. Also he had short spiky darkish hair and amber eyes but the part that made Fujimara a little confused was that this man looks similar to Taiho his outfit and facial features resemble that of Taiho although he is a man, none the less the resemblance is striking and both Fubuki and Nagato had noticed as well.

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