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The void

" I'll help you but it's dangerous"

" we don't care if your offering us help then we'll take it"

"very well"

A yellow aura appeared around the warships and as soon it appeared the three ships disappeared leaving  a very confused A150 and a gaggle of destroyers behind.

" what is this?......... what's  happening to us "

" I'm not sure Montana " said the carrier

" what's that" said the destroyer

All three ships see they are going through some kind of tunnel and at the end was a light and as it got closer and closer the ships realize they are slowly changing and they were confused at what they were becoming. Then suddenly the three ships exited the tunnel and fell through the sky but not as their ships forms but as people and landed in the ocean with a massive splash.

" what the hell just hit me agh " Montana realized his torpedo wounds were still live and kicking but now to his surprise he saw something different the liquid leaving his body, not the oil he was used to it was the red color of blood.

" guys what happened" turns to his friends to find they also were now in human form

" Montana what's going on" asked the destroyer 

" we became something else " said the carrier

" guys look "

The two boys look towards Montana to see a huge slick of blood and oil coming from his side and were alarmed at what they saw at that moment they knew they needed to find somewhere for their friend.

" hey look over there it looks like a port"  the destroyer pointing to the base

The carrier toke Montana under his arm and they started swimming with the destroyer acting as a scout soon they reached the beach and laid Montana on the sand and they knew it wasn't good a massive gash ran down from just under Montana's upper rib cage down his thigh his breathing became rigid and the lose of blood and oil is starting to take affect, by now the sun was just starting to rise.

" what do we do now" thought the carrier

" get help " said the destroyer

" what we don't know if anyone is here" said the carrier

" but there must be there's a port here if that's the case someone must be here I won't let him die " the destroyer said with a determined face

" alright but be careful" warned the carrier

" don't worry I should be able to hold my own against anyone here wish me luck"

The destroyer heads up the beach to go find help while the carrier tried to comfort Montana

" don't worry Montana he won't let you down"

Montana opens his eyes and smiles " I know he won't"


(yawns and stretches)

" ahhh another day at the naval base I better go do my usual run every morning"

Fubuki gets dressed and heads off for her run but that feeling she's had since yesterday hasn't let up yet and as a matter of fact it's even worse now since last night

" what is this feeling I'm getting"

She thinks nothing of it and continues her daily routine

kantai Collection: The Void......Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ