Don't Wanna Make a Scene

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"Was the sex at least good?" My best friend Andy asked me. We were at a farmers market, his idea.

"Best I've ever had. But, don't tell him that" I said shrugging.

"And he thinks your name's Blue?" he asked.

"He knows it's not really Blue" I laughed. We stared at the fruits in front of us "I walked home instead of taking his ride offer"

"Why?" he asked.

"One night" I said. Andy knew my number one rule. One night and nothing more.

"I guess" He shrugged. I looked around a little strolling away from Andy. I shoved my hands in my pockets staring at some fruit.

"Huh, blueberries" someone said from next to me "Blue's my favorite color" I smiled a little.

"Following me now Red?" I asked without looking up at him.

"Actually, I'm working" he said. He stepped behind the counter "My dad runs this, I just try to help out when I can" I looked up at him now "Or maybe I am following you, I guess you'll never know" he said. I picked up a case of blueberries and handed it to him. "So, what's your story pretty boy?" I asked.

"I was raised by a family of wolves. I finally escaped at the age of four and lived in a cardboard box on the street until I was sixteen. Then I found my real family, I slept on the ground and used a shoebox as a pillow. They hated me so much they beat me bloody every night so, I went psychotic and now I murder people for a living. I live in an abandoned wear house where I live off of twigs and human fingers" he stared at me. I smiled widely at him.

"You're quite the character Blue you really are" he said "Now your real story"

"That's the only story you're getting from me" I handed him a twenty. He started making change for it. "Anyway, what's your story"

"I'm actually an orphan, I raised myself using the skills I learned from Tarzan. They thought I was actually an ape boy so they sent me to a zoo. I finally escaped and now I live in central park living off of the elephant meat I managed to get before escaping" he said. I smiled at him.

"My names Patrick" I said.

"And my names Pete, take your blueberries" He handed them to me "Maybe next time you can tell me your real story, but until then eat those and think of me okay Patrick?" he asked. I nodded walking away with an odd feeling in my stomach.  "Hey, wait!" he yelled.  I turned back around "Here" He threw me something.  I caught it with one hand.  Pack of cigarettes.  "See you around Blue"
I sat on the porch of my apartment building smoking one from the pack Pete gave me.  I froze when the door opened.

"What're you doing out here?"

"S-Smoking" I stuttered.  I looked up in fear at my boyfriend "J-Just smoking" He grabbed the cig from my hand and shoved it into his mouth.  I played with the pack nervously. 

"Get back inside" he snapped.  I stood up and walked inside with my head down.  I stopped and looked at him.  He stared at me smoking my cigarette.  "Get the fuck inside!" he yelled.  He slapped me so I ran.

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