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Aleks' POV

Our lips met and I rubbed my hand up and down her back, she pushed her body closer to me in response. We made out for a long period of time before she released her lips from mine. It didn't go much further than that, I wanted to get to know her. We talked and cuddled after that, but something was eating at me.

I didn't mean to leave the guys so abruptly, but this wasn't something that I was going to miss out on. We always see each other anyway. The movie played quietly in the background, and Lex rested her head on my shoulder; she fell asleep quickly, I rested my hand on her hips.

My phone beeped a couple of times but I had been too busy to check. A few notifications from Twitter, snapchat, and a text from James. James' snapchat story showed view of us walking and Trevor "vaping" in the background. I had to turn down the volume so I wouldn't wake her up. Another story showed (Y/N) making a funny face and then flipping off the camera. My finger tapped the screen almost instantly when I saw her, it moved to another one of Trevor playing one of the arcade games and losing horribly.

My Twitter notifications were swamped with fans sending me memes and edited pictures of me, I found Lex's twitter and followed her. The text from James was next but I sort of didn't want to read it.

James: "Hey man, stay safe out there ;) the plane leaves 4:30 tomorrow so don't be late or I'm leaving your ass here! Also they were pretty worried about you, mainly (Y/N) but yanno, she's always worried about somethin'."

My fingers hovered over the keyboard as I thought hard for what to say - nothing. She was worried about me.. I set my phone back on the bedside table and got up to use the restroom. The mirror shown my disheveled hair, I didn't remember taking my shirt off. When I came back out to the bed, I kissed Lex on the forehead and laid back down.

Your POV

The morning came quickly, I heard zipping and the movement of equipment and suitcases. 

"YO. HELP ME PACK THIS SHIT UP!" James yelled. I walked over to where he was stationed and began putting everything neatly in their cases. It was 2:17 pm and Aleks still wasn't here yet. 

"That bastard! Going off with some chick instead of helping us pack." The curly haired boy was angrily stuffing clothes into his suitcase. "We'll get it done, James, I promise. We can just leave him here." I tried to reassure him.

Trevor had all of his stuff packed, and so did Joe. That just left Me, James, and Aleks. My stuff wasn't that hard to put away considering most of it was still packed up. Trevor knelt down beside me and was looking for a lens cap when we heard the door unlock. There he stood, the Russian boy in all of his glory. As soon as I looked at him my eyes fell back to my current objective.

"Jeez, Finally, help us!" James threw a sock at him. "Alright," Aleks haphazardly put everything in his suitcase and zipped it, and eventually the room was tidied up.

"Come onnnnn!" Trevor grabbed my arm and we all left in a group. The taxi ride was short, but it felt like it was taking forever. There was no way I fell asleep at a reasonable time. My eyes still felt heavy and burned, all I wanted to do was take a nap.

We made it just in time, and the line started moving. Our flight was leaving soon and people were currently boarding. For the flight home, I was seated by Trevor, I really hope he didn't mind if I fell asleep on him. Honestly I didn't care who it was, it could of been a stranger.

My head rested on his shoulder, he made a surprised noise but settled back into his seat. 

"Tired, huh..?" He asked and I mumbled a response. I shifted to get more comfortable and noticed Aleks glance at me then back to the window. My brain was too exhausted to process that.

The plane ride was over when I opened my eyes again, everyone quickly made their way off but I lagged behind. Trevor waited at the airport entrance for me, Aron's car came into view. He picked us up and it was a miracle that we all fit in the car. Aleks suggested that we go to Taco Bell for food, so Aron turned the car around. 

"Y/N you like tacos right?" Aleks turned to ask me, "Mhm." Was all that came out of my mouth.

"I have to edit so much shit," Trevor began after sitting down with a tray. Joe sighed as well.

"Do you want me to help?" I chewed on some nachos.

"I mean if you know how? Have you ever edited?"

"Once or twice.."

He gave me a smile and nodded. "What the hell, I mean it's not like it could be any worse than mine."

Aleks' POV

Y/N's response was abrupt, she didn't say much more for the entire ride to Taco Bell. We sat near each other but she didn't talk to me, Trevor and Joe were keeping her company. James flung sauce packets at me so I smashed one on the table and giggled as it went all over him. Instead of making a scene he gave me this death glare but couldn't help smiling.

I felt sort of isolated from the other table, and I listened intently to their conversation.

We arrived home but instead of staying downstairs, Trevor and (Y/N) immediately went to the computer room. My eyes watched them until they went out of view.

"Is she alright?" I turned to James and he gave me a quizzical look. "She seems fine to me?" He didn't know what I was getting at. 

"HEY Y/N!" He yelled suddenly and she came bolting down the steps. 

"Goddammit James, don't yell like that." She walked up to him but didn't look at me. He brought his hands to her cheeks and pinched them, "Are you feeling okay? You sure were slumped on the plane ride." He asked and she hissed at his touch. "Yes! Yes, leave me alone mom." Y/N ran back upstairs to get away from James. 

"See she's ok." The brown eyed menace laughed and turned to get something in the fridge.

I made my way upstairs but I stopped just short of the door, I heard Trevor and (Y/N) laughing about something. She obviously was okay, just overthinking things. My phone bleeped and it was a text from Lex. It took my mind off of my current thoughts. The spare room had a chill, it was empty save for the bed. Brett was coming over next week to stay with us. I made myself comfortable and texted my new interest.

But my mind would trail back to the room, and I could still hear them giggling with each other. 

What was so funny about editing?

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