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The back seat of Aron's car was crowded. Joe was already there because he was hanging out with a few friends beforehand. Lucky. He didn't have to be cramped back here with us. We were on our way to the airport, late of course. Aleks and James were on either side of me. I was daydreaming about what RTX would be like, I've never been to a convention before. James was staring out of the window. Aleks was quietly scrolling through his Twitter feed. To be honest I was feeling left out; I wish Trevor had sat back here with me instead of these two.

A small huff came from James' mouth which caused me to look over at him. My eyes locked on to his face, staring intently. A small smile appeared on his lips. His dark eyes shifted to me and I felt my cheeks flush.

"You've ignored me all day."
"No I haven't, I'm talking to you right now."
"Okay smart ass." I said, turning back to stare at the road instead of him.
"Don't be like that!" He cooed, nudging me ever so slightly. I slapped him gently on the arm and scooted closer to Aleks.

Aleks decided to put his arm around me as a joke. I looked over to see he had this stupid fucking smile on his face because he knew I had no where else to go. I tried my best to wiggle out of his grasp but it was impossible. He was stronger than I thought.

I had taken my seat belt off during this time, and Aron was making a sharp turn into the airport parking lot. So the noise I made as I fell into James caused everyone to erupt into laughter. God, I couldn't wait to get out of this car.


The plane seating was surprisingly roomy, it was a step up from the plane I had taken to Colorado when I moved. My partner for this ride was good ol' Aleks. We somehow ended up seated together, of course.

An hour into the plane ride and Aleks was already passed out, his head resting on my shoulder. Are you fucking kidding me. I didn't want to wake him, but his head was heavy and the fact he was leaning on me was worse. James and Joe were sitting together, Trevor got stuck with some random person in front of us because Aron wasn't coming. At least their seating partners were awake, and didn't stay up all night beforehand. I took this unfortunate time to study his tattoos. The coloring and style was gorgeous, tattoos were beautiful on others but I wouldn't want one for myself. Not to mention his skin was surprisingly soft; I ran a finger up and down his arm. His small snores were ringing in my ear. Aleks looked so peaceful right now, and as uncomfortable as I was I didn't want to ruin it. It's the only time we were this close without annoying each other or fighting.

Trevor and I were sending snapchats to pass the time. I sent one of Aleks leaning on me with the words "SOS" scrawled across the screen in red ink. A laugh came from the front seat, he sent a picture back: "I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

The clouds rolled past and in an effort to calm my nerves for the rest of the ride I opened my laptop and got on Twitter. I rarely used it, and James told me to get one to "stay up to date" with CowChop. I see you guys all the time. I told him, It's not like I don't get enough updates.

Aleks had posted a lot of tweets along with the other boys. They were happy to be going to RTX. "Ticket line boys" Aleks tweeted a dumb picture of himself waiting in the airport. He stirred for a moment before falling back asleep. He did this on purpose. That thought was enough to make me feel more annoyed.

The plane finally landed. My hand shook Aleks awake, he looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"We're here idiot." I spat.


The air in Texas was heavy, walking off the plane felt like I was submerged in sweat. Aleks was walking ahead of me, Trevor on my right. "Aleks that was so rude dude. Y/N isn't your personal pillow." Those words made him slow down a bit, he was on my left now. "Hey. I didn't fall asleep on purpose, I was tired as hell." Aleks defended himself. Trevor just rolled his eyes.

The hotel was huge, we walked into check-in and James took care of the rest. My luggage clicked on the tiles of the floor as we made our way to the elevator. Trevor looked pretty nervous. I don't think he's ever been to a convention either.

I set my luggage in the corner of the hotel room and neatly took out a few things to put on the table. Namely a brush and some hair ties. Thank God it was air conditioned in this hotel though, I couldn't breathe outside. Aleks and James basically just threw their belongings and wherever they landed, they stayed. James was fiddling with the TV, and Aleks was watching him while eating a Twix. 

We had come a day early, I guess so we could get settled in and explore the city a bit. Trevor walked in from lugging the last of his things from the hallway and set them down. I helped him unpack a bunch of equipment to film their adventures.

"Treh-vor you wanna go get food?" My arm was nudging him, "Yes." He said finally after annoying him for a good two minutes.

"Let me come with." Aleks said, and I turned to look at him. "No, it's me and Trevor time." I said as I let the door shut behind me.

~ Aleks' POV ~

My eyes followed (Y/N) as she left the hotel room with Trevor. I really wanted food too. "You think they like each other?" James' smirked at me, he was looking for an answer. "I dunno dude. I don't think. They act more like best friends then lovers. I guess." My hands slid into my pockets as I mused over that thought. "Hmm.." James finally got the TV to work with the Xbox. He sighed heavily, that took forever.

Maybe Trevor did like her, but I don't know. I don't care.

My body slumped on the bed and I laid back. Running my fingers through my hair and yawning loudly. Then I got up and decided to follow them instead. Leaving Joe and James to set up the equipment on their own.

By the time I got to the lobby they were headed for a restaurant located inside of the hotel. I caught up with Trevor and (Y/N) and scared the shit out of her. 

We sat down in the corner of the restaurant and they basically just ordered a light lunch. I ordered some pancakes, it's not like it wasn't 3 pm or anything.

(Y/N) was seated in the middle of us, her eyes lightly scanned through the menu a few more times. Making sure she made the right choice.

She eventually noticed I was watching her and angrily stared back. "Do you always have to follow us?" She was trying to sound mad, and it was kinda cute. 

"Well, of course." I smiled back at her.

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