16- Dead Girl Walking

Start from the beginning

"I know," Barry whispers.

"They kept it. But they didn't grow up under the same roof that you did," Joe says.

Caitlin, Cisco, and I glance down at the ground. Like we've been scolded.

"You know more than any of them, what much my baby girl means to me," Joe tells Barry.

"I know, Joe," Barry says quietly.

Joe leaves the room.

I carefully place my hand on Barry's shoulder. "Things will fix themselves," I whisper.

Barry glances at me, "I don't know if they can."

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Wally and I stand over Iris, who's now been attacked by Clive Yorkin. She has dark lines crawling up her arm, as the infected ash creeps into her body, like a virus.

"Get Iris to STAR Labs, Wally. I'll go after Yorkin," I tell Kid Flash.
Wally nods, and races to our base.
I teleport and smash into the runaway Meta-Human.

I send a line of electrical volts into his leg, from crouched postion.
Yorkin yells out in pain, and jolts several times on the ground.

"You can turn object and people into ash, but not energy," I tell him. "Have fun with that."

"No," Yorkin growls. "I'll have fun, watching you suffer."
Suddenly, he smacks me hard in the chest.

I fall over, and gasp for breath. The same ask marking, that Iris has, are starting to form.
"Don't worry," I rasp, against the agony I feel. "Karma's going to come for you."
I reluctantly teleport back to STAR Labs.

When I get there, I'm sprawling on the ground.
"Barry!" I shout, trying to get up.

The Scarlet Speedster leans over me. "No, not you too."

"Its okay," I grit my teeth. "I think I can cure myself."

Caitlin glances over at me from the medical area. "You can?"

"I... don't know if it'll help Iris... I've only been able to get rid of internal hazardous..." The amount of pain silences me for a moment. "Only once," my words come out as sentence fragments, "and that wasn't intentional."

Barry looks at me with a worried expression. "I've seen you die before."

"...This is not that time." I reply. "You might want to back up." Electricity crackles around me. I exhale and hold out a hand to a single light source.
I absorb the power from the lamp. "I hope we don't get a power outage."

I discharge the electric energy from my whole body, sending blue sparks everywhere.
At one point, I released a shockwave, and felt the ash virus leave me.

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