Physical Education...*sigh*

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Salutations!!! I know I haven't updated much but I swear I have a reason...actually I don't have a reason...well besides school. That's not the point so much stuff has been happening and it's really weird.

After we got back from our winter break they changed all of our schedules and it's was was fucking chaotic. I ended up having physical Education...I don't know why...well after the first week of going there I kinda regretted choosing it as my elective. It was so quiet that you could legit hear shoes squeaking. It got a lil better a few weeks later but today was...I don't even know. We were playing soccer and they passed the ball to me. I was going to kick it and instead of kicking it I ended up Falling In Reverse jk, I fell on my back. The thing is that people actually worried about me being hurt. I just got back up and tried to laugh 😂😂😛. The coach looked really worried and asked if I hit my head. Of course I said no. I was trying so hard not to laugh I actually teared up I lil bit. The moral of this story is never play soccer if you're wearing converse in the gym😂😂😛.
This guy at my school (he is Mexican) has grey eyes. They're so pretty!! At first I thought they were brown because most Mexicans have brown eyes but one day my friend (SmudgeSmuffle ) pushed me into him and he looked down at me *sigh*(small people problems. People having to look down for them to be able to see you) and we made eye contact and that's when I noticed he had grey eyes.
Oh and Panic!At The Disco is coming to a town that's next to mine!!!!! ASDFGHJKL
I want to go so bad it's going to be on April 4th. Falling In Reverse is also on tour and I also want to go to one of their concerts.Well that's all that's been happening...

Bye my lil demigods/wizards/vampires/or whatever phandom you're in (*wink wink*). Later😛✌️😛✌️😂

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