The faq??

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So I was here reading a Percy Jackson fanfic and I started thinking. You know how sometimes before the book starts they put on a disclaimer? That says; Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. Rick Riordan owns them not me. I only own he plot blah blah blah...

Well I started thinking about other types of fanfics, like Dolan twins, Markiplier, 5SoS, and other peoples. And my brain came up with a disclaimer for them. It came sort of like this; Disclaimer: I don't own these people. Idk who owns them probably their parents or god or may their husband/wife. I only own the plot.

After I processed this through my brain I was like, "wtf I'm I even thinking?!? I'm I going mental?!? Probably. My friends don't trust me with anything that's sharp.😖😅😢😪😪😏😛" XD

But like seriously wat de FAQ??

Also I don't know if I should be grossed out, amused, or laughing. Why? Because my lil sister was fooling around with my dads deodorant and then put some on. Then she went screaming that my brother should put some on because it smells good. All that happened when I was brushing my teeth right now at 10 at night. Like the FAQ?? XD

Well bye my lil human peoples. Later 😂😏😝😛✌️️

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