I almost died today...

18 3 0

Hellooo wassup? You guys good? Cause I'm not I ALMOST DIED TODAY PEOPLE!!!!😵😵😵😑😶😰

Okay I'm over exaggerating...but still I almost DID die. How? That's an interesting question lemme explain.

Sooo...I was in first hour in the library and we where filling out this page for some random Shîzzles and my friend gave me some gum...well...two pieces actually...THATS NOT THE POINT!! The point is that I put the gum in my mouth and started chewing on it like normal humans do. Then my friend said something funny and I was trying not to laugh but I ended up choking on air??? And my gum. Well I couldn't breath or swallow properly and I was literally running out of air and trying to tell my friend that I was 'bout to die and to tell my crush that I always liked him and that I will always like him and all that random bullshit😂😂. Not really but I WAS trying to get her attention. After I FINALLY got her attention I started to breath and swallow right but her face was like 😟😟😮😦😧😲 cause she didn't know what to do. But like really I'm scared of laughing while I chew gum now...Jk Jk XD. Plus what kind of friend are you if you don't notice your friend when she's 'bout to die??

After first hour my best friend: DolanBubbles , pulled me into the cafeteria and was trying to prove that my crush indeed is in gym before her. Soo she pulled me into the cafeteria when everyone in the gym was coming out...and there he was walking out the gym. I tried to go the other way but she was holding my backpack and my other friend was just laughing. I legit yelled "lemme go asshole" (while people where walking past us. They where looking at us weirdly) but she taller then me sigh and had I tight grip on my backpack and was smiling at me  teasing me about my face being red. After he passed us she finally let go of me while laughing. It WAS NOT FUNNY.😡😤👿. 

Well that's it for now my lil human people. Later 😛✌️️😛✌️️😈

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