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Yay people actually wrote me

^Questions on top^

Italics are answers
Bold are questions


Okay the first ones are from Writeaholic4567
Did you see Fantastic Beasts?
Sadly no

What's your favorite Broadway play?
I don't think I've watched one...(I'm sowwy)

Whats your favorite holiday?
Obviously Christmas because you get presents and a long winter break from school

Favorite book character (one boy/one girl)
Okay my fav boy character is Nico Di Angelo and fav girl character is Maximum Ride

Who are your favorite bands/artists?
Omfg the list might be a lil long...here we go!!!
Fall Out Boy               All Time Low          Sleeping With The Sirens       Twenty One Pilots
Falling In Reverse        My Chemical Romance          Panic!At The Disco  
Black Vail Brides   Pierce The Veil  and if YouTubers that make music count NateWantsToBattle


These next ones are from @Frozen_Dreamz

Why did you join Wattpad?
Ohh this one is good. I joined Wattpad because I want to read fan-fictions and meet people with the same fanfics

What is your favorite song?
A Love Like War  by All Time Low

What is your favorite book?
The Mark Of Athena by Rick Riordan the book is hilarious

What is the first book you wrote, or can recall writing?
If you mean on Wattpad then this one is it...BUT if mean anywhere then the first one was a Divergent fanfic. It was a Uris Uriah x Tris 😳😳😳😁😁😛😛😂

Morning person, afternoon person or evening person?
Well definitely not a morning person, not a afternoon person either, I guess I'm a evening person. I'm more energetic in the evening

Ron or Bill?
Idk who these people are but I'll pick Ron


And finally MarkimooBattlesNate

1. Do you know who I am?
Umm Diana?!
2. Who's your favorite YouTuber/YouTuber?
Danisnotonfire or NateWantsToBattle or Markiplier idk man I like all three of them
3. If you met them what would you do cause you would not act chill,I know you way too well?
I'd probably just stand there like an idiot, then start jumping around while saying omfg over and over again, then faint...(wow I surprise myself) 😁😛😂
4. What would you do if they died?
I would go to my room, find a corner, sit and rock back and forth while saying wtf they can't be dead. Basically go to my emo corner and cry myself to sleep 😔😮
5. Markiplier or Nate?
Nate...I mean I like Markiplier...but Nate is a lil bit cuter?? hoter?? (Idfk)
6. Do you like my pic?
Yes it's hilarious
7. Say what you first think for the next three questions (please be as mean as you want) ( this is more like a demand than question but who am I to talk)
8. Fuck my life, my school, and my parents.
10. Junior and Brandon are hot 😉😉also Nate

I'm joking...sorta...(not really) please don't kill me MarkimooBattlesNate

Well bye my lil human peoples thx for the questions they are super fun to answer. Later😛✌️️😛✌️️

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