The Waiting... Chapter 6

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When I die... When I die when my coffin is being taken out you must never think i am missing this world don't shed any tears don't lament or feel sorry i'm not falling into a monster's abyss when you see my corpse is being carried don't cry for my leaving i'm not leaving i'm arriving at eternal love when you leave me in the grave don't say goodbye remember a grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind you'll only see me descending into a grave now watch me rise how can there be an end when the sun sets or the moon goes down it looks like the end it seems like a sunset but in reality it is a dawn when the grave locks you up that is when your soul is freed have you ever seen a seed fallen to earth not rise with a new life why should you doubt the rise of a seed named human have you ever seen a bucket lowered into a well coming back empty why lament for a soul when it can come back like Joseph from the well when for the last time you close your mouth your words and soul will belong to the world of no place no time ~RUMI, ghazal number 911, translated May 18, 1992, by Nader Khalili



Time… is how I got here

Time… is what got me into this mess

Time… so small is all I have now

The amount of time I have left is two hours, two hours till the end.  I sat there in the cell alone. Tears now fall from my face, for everything I’m going to lose. I will never see anyone again. My whole life has been worth apparently nothing. I just sat there and sob into the old rag of a sheet on my bed. Not knowing what’s going to happen next, is what scares me more than anything. Now the bed across from me is empty they moved Nate to a different cell already, so she doesn’t have to see me suffer but soon enough will hear my scream, as I try to hold on for dear life. I just laid there and sobbed, maybe if I’m a sleep it’s easier to die that way.  I never knew what it was like to love, only to lost, does that make me strong or weak? I will never know that saying or maybe I do. It’s better to love and lost, then to never of loved at all.

Maybe I love Lee and didn’t know it. As soon as I go back to earth…. I’m never going back to earth. I’m going to die today in this grimy old cell.  I will never see the light of day again, I will be in total darkness forever I can’t do this. I can’t die here, I can’t die. I started to sob even loader when there was a bang on the cell. I looked up to see someone in the guard uniform, he open the cell. “Come with me,” I stood still, unwilling to move scared. “Come with me now.” He said more sternly this time. We walked out of the cell and I lazily followed behind. We went up a set of stairs I have never seen before. I followed the guard to a black door number 3636. I walked into room there where there were six people all sitting behind a long metal desk.

Three of them men, three of them woman, all of them were Lemoore. The Lemoore were what the blue people were. The tall young looking guy was at the front. He spoke first, “Prisoner 684967 please come sit in the chair.” I walked to the red chair. “Do you recall the events of April 10, 9537?” He asked in a stern voice.

“Yes,” I remember that day perfectly.

The woman now spoke softly, “why did you come to harm Ms. Val?”

I sigh, “I did not hurt her if you let me tell you what happen this would be all over with I hope.” I blurted out scared.

The older heavy set guy with glasses spoke, “Please tell us what you recall of that day?”

Then I started, “I came here for vacation with a friend of mine. We checked into the hotel and went and sat on the beach. We been traveling for a while, I sat there he asked Ms. Val for water. She left with our order and I heard a scream. I ran over to see what had happen but she was dead. There was something wrong with her she wasn’t dead but she was. Her eyes turn red and she grew sharp teeth so my friend and I ran away. I was getting tired of running so I stood up to her. She charged at me, I punched her across the face. If you don’t believe me, then you can put me under a lie detector test.” I felt a tear starting to slip. Remembering her blood all over was not something I wanted to think about.

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