The Waiting: Chapter 8

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Attack of the Daleks 

We finally landed I opened the door to a church filled with people. We landed in the middle of the aisle. They just stared at the blue box and then at me. “Oh… hi everybody.” I turned to everyone who was still in the Tardis. “Umm I think we need to move the Tardis doctor.”

The Doctor walked up to the door and looked passed me. “It seems we have landed in the middle of the aisle.” He shut the door and ran to the controls. When we opened the door again it was night fall and we were outside. “Doctor, where are we?” I heard music playing in the back of the church. 

“Looks like we made it to the reception,” Ilse said happily.

“Doctor, why can’t you ever fly the Tardis right?” Nyra grumbled in annoyance.

We all existed the Tardis and walked around to the back to the wedding reception. The wedding reception had a small dance floor tables and chairs then there was the big main table were Nikki and Lee were sitting with a little girl in the middle it must have been the same one from when I last saw them. Some people saw me. There was a gasp or two, whispers started to fly. Then that’s where I saw my best friend with his new bride. He stood up abruptly and walked over to me. “You came back?” he said.

“Of course I would see you at your wedding- reception. Lee. I missed you.” That was all I could say. I recognized haft the people there they were from school and such. Then there was Lee’s sister and parents Lizzy and piper and Shawn who walked over and kind of pushed them aside. “Jessica! Where have you been? It’s so good to see you come and sit at the table with us.” I turn to the back of me The Doctor and River talking intently about something. It looks important then Nyra talking to a guy. I’m pretty sure he was Albert and he was in my grade when I was in school looked like they were hitting it off. Ilse was playing with the children at the kids table.

“Umm, I’m sorry I kind of here with the loony toons.” I smiled, that was what I had to call them. They were all crazy and nuts. “We can talk in a bit yes?” I asked. They both agreed. Lee walked back to the main table to be with his new bride. 

I walked over and grabbed a table sitting it up. On my own, the caterers came over to help me but I shooed them away. I grabbed a few chairs as well and sit it up all on my own. I sat down and shut my eyes till there was a tap on my shoulder.  I look and it was Piper, Lee’s mother, “Jessica we missed you so much.” She said smiling at me.

“I missed you guys too, how long as it been?” I asked her. 

Piper frowned at me not that I could blame her, “Four years.” My eyes widen. 

I said surprised, “four? Oh my god. What did Lee tell you or did he tell you I was here last year.” I didn’t know if he told anyone. 

Piper made a thin line between her lips, “He told me you have been traveling. He told me you were traveling time and space. I didn’t believe him; none of us did really until earlier at the wedding.” She looked deep into my eyes. “I must ask are you from the past or future?” She asked me.

I hugged her and whispered, “It has only been three or four months for me.” She pulled back away from me.

“Is this true… or your still fifteen?” She asks me. I give her a small nod. “Wow… well I’m going to go back to his father I’ll be back, you know how he can get. Misses me all the time, I swear the man can’t live without me.” Piper walks away from the table.

Lee now walks over and sits next to me, so I begin to talk first, “So you’re married now?” I ask him.

Lee chuckled, “Wired right?”

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