The Waiting.... Chapter 7

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I woke up in my room which frankly as big as the Tardis. I got up and walked out down a few hallways and back to the control room. Where I saw River sitting and staring at me still in the guard uninform just smirking at me without a care in the world.

Then there were the sound of footsteps that stopped. I carefully turned around and look over to the young girl with brown eyes and hair. It couldn’t have been, but there she was in plain sight. Thinner and more pale then I remember but it was still her. Jess… Jess was alive! She didn’t say anything; she just stared at me holding a yogurt and spoon. There were no words said, but yet we needed to say them.  I could see the anger overwhelming her quickly taking over. The only thing she could say was the thing I expected “You left me!” she shouted and dropped the yogurt and fell to her knees. 

I ran over to her and held on to her as she started to cry. I felt so bad for leaving. If it wasn’t for river I presume sitting in one of their guard outfits she would be dead. It was something that was needed and something that had to be done. I now looked over at river how now looked at us lovingly. I held on to jess who was sobbing. She looked up at me and stared to hit my chest shouting the words “I hate you!” over and over again. With every “I hate you” there was a punch to my chest. 

All I could say was, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left you. All that counts is that I have you back,” I tried soothing her. A tear slipped out of my eye, I never cried because I was happy before. This was a first, and hopefully the last. She looked up at me and sighed. 

“Why? Why did you leave me? I was only an hour away from death. I never thought I would be able to see Lee or you again.” I held her as she cried. I was never going to let it happen to again. It will never happen again. 

All I could say was, “I’m sorry. I never meant to leave you. It was only five minutes for me. Only five minutes.” I told her trying to redeem myself with my words which now seemed to fail. I looked over to river and mouthed ‘thank you,’ to her. 

Jessica’s POV

I cried I am so mad at him, I hated him so much! “If River wasn’t there to get the thing off my wrist at the last moment, I would be dead.” I stood up and walked over to River who now seems a bit surprised. “Thank you River. Really thank you so much.” I smiled at her.

“Doctor,” I turn on one foot… I can’t believe he is here. I hate him. God I hate him so much this is his fault. “I think it is the Consol that has something to do with the murder…”

A girl with flaming red hair and green with a hint of gray eyes walked in she was also wearing a uniform, “River…, we have a problem.” She said simply then the Tardis started going off. The girl, the doctor, River and I ran over to the Consol. 

The doctor looked at the girl and quickly spoke, “Who are you?” As they were trying to keep the Tardis on the ground something wasn’t stable. The girl ignored him and started pushing buttons river did the same and I took a step back. The Doctor looked at me, I shrugged, and then he directed his question to river. “River who is she?” I looked over to the girl with black hair I could tell she was a little hurt. Just the way she paused looked as if his words were knives that were hitting her in the back. Finally the Tardis stopped and I knew we were on the ground for sure. “Well?”

“My name is Nyra, it’s good to meet you doctor. Really,” she stuck out her hand. He took out his and shook hers. There was something about her. There was something about this girl Nyra; I couldn’t tell what it was. Her eye’s flickered between river, the doctor and I as she was shaking his hand.

“How do you know who I am?” He asked her. 

She smiled, “This isn’t the first time we met, well it is for you anyway.” I let out a small smile. Then I looked over at river who smiled herself. 

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