Chapter Thirteen-Wrath

Start from the beginning

"Brutal, I am so sorry. I wanted to take you, but I could tell that you weren't ready. We all could. So yesterday we all decided that we should leave you here while we went out on the run. If you're mad at me, I can sleep somewhere else."

He kisses my cheek and tries to stand up, but I pull him back down.

"I'm not mad Party, you guys were just trying to protect me. I didn't even want to go, but I didn't want to disappoint you."

I should get an award for my acting.

"Are you sure?"

I straddle Party, wrap my arms around his neck, and pull him in for a long kiss. After a minute or so I pull away and whisper in his ear.

"If I wasn't sure, then would I do that?"

Party gulps and puts his hand on my cheek.

"I guess not. Also I guess you wouldn't mind this then."

This time, Party is the one to kiss me. He leans back so I'm laying on top of him. I think it's safe to say that my plan is working perfectly.

Party's P.O.V.

(Yay Party's pov once again!)

I look down at the love of my life, sleeping, in our bed. I don't want to leave her here all alone, but I have to. We all know that no matter how much she tries, she can't to it. There may be many Dracs and we have to make a run for it. Brutal would never make it, that's why I had to agree with my friends and brother.

Taking one last look at Brutal, I leave my room. The guys are already in their rightful places in the car, waiting for me. I climb in, start the engine, and start speeding off to Route Guano.

The trans am soon fills up with the snores of my sleeping friends and brother. I don't blame them, it's a three hour drive to where we're heading first.


"Wake up killjoys! We're here!"

They all groan and get out of the car, where we see an old shack. We all take out our ray guns and creep towards the door, which I kick down.

The guys and I find food that actually isn't shitty. Maybe Brutal won't be as pissed when she sees this.

********sorry for all the skips, I don't feel like writing filler shtuff********

We're hitting the last house of the day. It's a run down family home. A nice little family must have lived in here, all those years ago. It's a shame.

I open up the front door quietly, and we all creep in. Kobra and I take the upstairs while Jet and Ghoul take the ground floor.

Upstairs, nothing seems peculiar, at least until I get to the last room. It looks like a regular old,  abandoned, girl's room. But the thing is, there's no dust.

"Hello? Is there anyone in here? My name is Party Poison and I'm a killjoy. I promise I won't hurt you."

A head full of hair pops out. She looks to be no more than ten years old.

"Hi little girl, what's your name?"

She just shakes her head. The poor girl probably doesn't even remember her name, judging on how young she probably was when this thing started.

"Do you have any parents? Or even siblings?"

She shakes her head once again.

"So you're here alone?"

This time she nods. I feel so bad for her.

"Well don't worry, you can come with me, my brother, and our friends."

She looks a little scared when I mention other people. It reminds me of my love that I left at the diner. This causes me to smile sadly. The girl cocks her head, as to ask what's wrong.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. I just feel like I made somebody important to me very upset today, someone that you remind me of."

She nods again, then grabs a backpack on the ground and starts stuffing it with things in the room. When the girl finishes, she runs over to me and grabs my hand.

"You're going to come with me?"

She nods, then drags me out the door and down the stairs.

"Finally you're don-who is that?"

Kobra, who already came down here, and Jet turn to me when Ghoul says this.

"This is uh, actually I don't know her name yet, but she's coming with us."

They all nod and shrug. We gather the supplies and get into the car, with the little girl sitting in Brutal's spot.

Now to head home, feel the wrath of my girlfriend, and introduce someone special to her.

Sorry for this crappy chapter. But the little girl from the videos(who is also the older girl in the comics) is here! I was originally not going to add her, but I needed another character. She's going to help a lot. So anyways, see you next time!

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