One last time

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//probably last chapter :)

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck fuckity shit fuck." I groaned, gripping the cardboard box in my hands tighter than I needed to. Daveed ,Stephanie ,Anthony ,Renée ,Phillipa ,oak And Lin  were seated at the sofa while I paced up and down my apartment, biting my fingernails and toying with the cardboard box in my hands.

It was Tuesday - a school day, and they had all skipped school to hear the news - even Phillipa . That shit meant a lot, but I was too nervous too feel gratitude.

It'd been about three weeks since the whole Daveed - almost-raped-me-and-now-Anthony -won't-touch me situation, and now I was freaking the fuck out.

I had missed a period. I had fucking missed a period. I never missed periods! EVER. It was one of the things I knew about myself, since my very first period, back when I was eleven (Yup, I was an early starter), It had always come one the thirteenth day of every month. The fucking thirteenth. And now it was the seventeenth and still no fucking blood in my fucking underwear. I know I should probably be glad that there was no bleeding this month, but, instead, it worried the shit outta me.

I was most likely pregnant.

I didn't even guess I might have a little human growing inside of my stomach until I woke up on the fourteenth and realized that my period should have hit yesterday. I stood up on my bed, and pulled down my underwear, then pulled it back up again, and went to go check if anyone was home who might come barging in while I was examining my vagina. That would be awkies. I found a note from my mom on the bedroom door from my mom, saying that she had a gig all day , and that she was trusting me to actually go to school.

I sighed, happy that I was alone, then pulled down my pajama shorts and underwear, then examined my underwear carefully. No blood. Nothing. I peered down there, probing a little with my hands. I know it sounds weird, but I was seriously freaked out - like I said - never missed a period in my life. Anthony walked in halfway through my investigation, and I didn't bother to cover myself up. I was starting to get scared.

"Uh... whatcha doin'?" Anthony asked, one eyebrow raised. "How'd you get in here?" I muttered absently. "You left the front door open. What's going on?" He asked as I lay on my back on my bed.

"I missed a period."

He blinked at me, then he understood. "Oh, so you... Oh."


No-one said anything for a minute. "So you're pregnant?"

"No!" I said. "This doesn't mean anything! I'm not pregnant - I'm on the Pill!"

"The Pill isn't one-hundred percent effective, jasmine ."

"Well why the fuck didn't you tell me that?!"

"I did. But you refused to let me wear a condom."

Gah. Hated it when he was right. "Well... Ugh, it doesn't matter, anyway. I'm not pregnant. I can't be." The tears had started to stream down my face.

"I wouldn't mind if you were," He whispered, sitting me up and wrapping an arm around me so that my head was in the crook of his neck."

"Really?" I whispered. "You wouldn't leave me?"

I wasn't looking at his face, but I felt him shake his head. "Never." Then he pulled away from me, and gazed at my naked body, then his eyes rested on my stomach. "Scary, isn't it?" I whispered. The tears still hadn't stopped. "To think a child's growing in there."

"Not scary," he amended. "Exciting."

"No. It's scary."

"It's epic."

No emotions  involved //JANTHONY//Where stories live. Discover now