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My phone buzzed violently in my pocket, startling Alex as he falls off the window bench and on to the wooden floor.
I rolled my eyes, "Nate," I mouthed to Alex, who was rubbing his head on the floor, trying to process the impact.

From: Nate: come get me
From: Nate: I'm at dad's
From: Nate: I think he kidn
From: Nate: kidnapped me
From: Nate: he hit m e
From: Nate: hell
From: Nate: help

I dropped my phone on the floor and sprinted to the panel in the floor. It swung open with such great force that I thought it would break.
As I ran down the hall, every door seemed to open behind me- all except Nate's.
I skidded and slid as I turned the corners, eventually reaching the key rack and cordless phone.
"Tyler. Call the police." I tossed the phone to him just as he walked in; everyone else seemed to join me in the room. "Everyone else, in the car. Now."
Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, it felt as if I could move no faster than millimeters at a time.
I sprinted to the car door and jumped into te passenger seat, tossing the keys to Alex. "Drive, asshole." I commanded; and with that he stuck the keys in the ignition, leaving the others behind as he violently backed out of the driveway.
"I'm so fucked; we're so fucked; Nate's so fucked." I began to ramble to myself while I anxiously stared out the window and tapped the glass with my index and middle fingers. "Alex," He turned to me as we reached a red light, "I'm scared."
He nodded, then assured me; "I know."
And that was the last time either of us spoke the whole car ride.

wOW short chapter but we've got a weing bit of tension going on here


[randomly starts guess this lyric bc boredom]

Guess this:

"Baby, seasons change but people don't.
And I'll always be waiting in the back room.
I'm boring but overcompensate with
Headlines and flash, flash, flash photography."

Okay bye


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