Space Enough To Grow

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"She probably hates me." I confess to Rian.

"Alex, she obviously doesn't hate you. She's sick! She can't come here if she's sick." He replies.

"Rian, if she was sick, they would have refused to tour." I say.

"Coffee shop is right here." Zack says, pointing at a little shop.

We all nod and walk in. The first thing I see is a tall guy, around my height, with tattoos and a few piercings.

"Hey! You guys must be All Time Low! I'm Tyler Rossi, the vocalist." Tyler says.

"Alex, Alex Gaskarth. I'm the vocalist and the good guitarist." I say.

Jack hits my arm and I laugh a little.

"Jack Barakat, guitarist." Jack says.

"Rian Dawson, drummer." Rian says, flashing his blinding smile.

"Zack Merrick, bassist." Zack finishes, shaking Tyler's hand.

"So, I think we should all get with our counterpart, Zack you'll have to be with Ryker, since Viv isn't here. Rian, you're with Kent. Jack you're with Ivy, and Alex and I are with each other." Tyler directs.

Okay, he seems bossy, but that'll be okay. Ever since Fly, we've lost structure.

"So, Tyler. What's Enslave The Empress all about?" I ask.

"Well, we've all known each other since high-school. Viv and I being siblings, made it easier for us to connect. We're all great friends and we just want to do something we love. It took both Viv and I a while to get onstage, we both deal with anxiety issues, Ivy's Viv's best friend, Kent and Ryker are my best friends. It all works out when we get onstage and see the faces of the fans screaming back our lyrics. We're a punk band, mostly. I guess that's it." He says.

This guy is something, I think we'll become friends.

"Well, before I start, would you promise me that if I act weird around you, like, flirtatious, you won't care? It's for the fans, and I bet we can get some Tylex shippers." I say to him with a wink at the end. He laughs and nods, good.

"What's All Time Low all about?" Tyler asks.

Okay Alex, fake smile, time to talk about you.

"We're about having fun. All Time Low was started as more of a hobby, since we all were a band in our early high-school years. Once it started to become more than a hobby, we had all graduated and went on tour. Being around seventeen at the time, we were amateurs. I guess we still are amateurs, but I won't admit that to anyone else. We're all best friends; Jack and I have known each other since the beginning of high-school and he was my first friend when I was taken out of private school. Rian was added to our band when Jack met him and noticed Rian's Face to Face shirt. We had a guy call Zack for Zack to join us. We're all about having fun and we do this for the fans and so that we can have a nice career thar we all love doing. We're about as pop-punk as it gets, I've been told we take the throne as the princesses of pop-punk." I reply, smiling when I talked about our role in music. Tyler nods and sips his coffee.

"I'm sorry about Viv not being here. She doesn't like meeting new people." Tyler confesses.

"That's why she isn't here?" I ask, I'm pretty shocked to be honest.

"That is why, dear Alex." He responds in a posh accent.

"We should go see her, if that's okay with you." I suggest.

"I guess we can, c'mon, we have to leave quickly so they don't notice." He replies.

Tyler and I walk briskly out of the coffee shop, to get to his car, and we begin the drive to his home.


"So I'll show you the rooms, my little brother is here so if you get a small teenage boy jumping at you, don't be surprised." Tyler explains, opening the door.

This house is fucking huge, it's bigger than all of our band's houses combined.

"Here's Kent's room, he wanted to be downstairs because he complained that it takes too much effort to walk down the stairs. Ryker's room is right here. He wanted first door leading down the stairs so he can get to the kitchen easily." Tyler says.

"Okay... Now is Ryker his first name or last name?" I ask.

"His first name is Jace, we just like to call him Ryker." Tyler explains.

I nod understandingly, then watching as Tyler points at the next door covered in... All Time Low posters.

"This, is my little brother's room. Nate!" He shouts, pounding on Nate's door.

"What do you want Ty-Holy shit Alex Gaskarth." Nate says, standing in the doorway.

He's got swoopy brown hair, an All Time Low shirt, and black skinny jeans on, he resembles Tyler a lot.

"That is me." I reply with a smirk. Nate's mouth drops open and he just stares at me.

Gotta love fans.

"You're the best ever oh my gosh, I love everything you do." Nate says.

"Thanks kiddo. You coming on tour with us?" I ask.

"I wish! Tyler over here won't let me go." He replies.

Tyler laughs, then tugging on my sleeve a bit to show me the rest of the house.

"Bye, Nate!" I say happily. The kid waves bye, then shuts his door.

"This is Rylee's door, he's our manager. This is Ivy's door, she insisted on being across from the way to get to Viv. My room is right there next to the entrance." Tyler explains.

"Cool! You guys have a rad house." I say.

"Thanks, if you want to talk to Viv you can. I'll be back at the coffee shop. See ya at the venue, Alex." Tyler says, waving bye and walking down the hall to the stairs. I wait until I hear the door shut to walk to the door.

I walk to Nate's door and I pull out a sharpie I found on the floor, signing his poster. I smile as I write, Stay rad Nate, you're gonna be a star. -Alex Gaskarth. Then I walk over to Viv's door, hearing Mayday Parade's When You See My Friends.

What if she hates me?

She'll think I'm a creep for being in her house.

Fuck, she probably googled us and thinks I'm ugly.

Dammit, why am I thinking.

Okay, on three.




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