Hollywood Dream

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Fucking hell.
She's perfect.
Her dark blue hair flows just right and her Medusa piercing is so fucking attractive; you would think that because Lisa was basically a piercing/tattoo virgin, I wouldn't dig this kind of look, oh but I do.
I simply can't with this girl.
It seems like within moments of meeting her in person she has already caused me to feel happier.
Let me tell you, that's not an easy task.
She's so fucking perfect. I just can't.

Viv pulls out a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, then turns to me and quirks up an eyebrow.
"Hell yes," I say with a smile.
Viv smiles back at me, grabbing my arm to pull me upstairs, also simultaneously sending what feels like electricity shooting through my veins; but she doesn't know that. She shuts the door and locks it behind us, then ushers for me to sit anywhere. I stand there, watching her gracefully walk to the window and sit on a large windowsill that seems to be turned into a seat. I sit on the other side of the windowsill, looking at her and taking in her appearance, seeing that she's doing the same with me.
"You're beautiful." I whisper, not as confidently as I would have hoped. Viv smiles and looks down, an obvious blush on her face.
 "Oh, come on, talk to me! I'm a trustworthy guy and I love your voice and I bet you're a delightful musician." I plead, looking Viv directly in the eyes. Eye contact works, right?
"I uh, Hi, Alex. I, uh, I'm Viv." She says sheepishly, finally looking into my eyes.
"Hi Viv. Wanna play twenty questions?" I ask her, giving her my best smile. She nods, it seems as if it was reluctantly, but y'know, I'll help her get over this.
"You first," I smile, resting my chin on the palm of my right hand.
"uh, full name?"
"Alexander William Gaskarth. Favorite band?"
"Uh, Blink-182. Sexual Orientation?"
"I'm straight, although, around Jack, I guess I act a little gay. Favorite color?"
"Probably red, I like other colors too, like blue and black. Uh, siblings?"
"I had a brother named Tom, things happened and now I'm an only child. Do you think I'm cute?" "Yes. Do you think I'm cute?"
"You're beautiful, Viv."
Ten seconds is all it took for us to be in a full-blown make-out session after those questions. And, may I just say that Viv is great at kissing.
"W-Well okay." Viv says, detaching her lips from mine so that we can breathe.
"You are great at that." I reply, a across my face. She looks down sheepishly, a blush painted on her cheeks.
"Hey now, don't be like that. Look at me." I say to her, making her face even more red, she smiles, and looks up.
"You're a beautiful person, Viv. I'm sure this is the start of something beautiful."

(A/N: Okay, I'm really sorry this is short, you guys probably don't want to hear my excuses either. I'll try and write more next time. -Ty)

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