Chapter 3 Working Together

Start from the beginning

  Sometimes it would even involve them playing in pajamas. "Malfoy, you're going to slide off your broom with those silk pajamas." Theo said as Draco walked out onto the Quidditch pitch.

  Luna and Hermione were the judges of the game since neither one of them ever had any interest in playing. "Foul on Malfoy."

  "Seriously, that's like the tenth time tonight! There are other players you know! I know I have my charming good looks, but Granger, at least try to control yourself." She could actually see the smirk on his face even from 30 feet away. She rolled her eyes at his egotistical remark and started speaking into the mic again.

  "I wouldn't call it if you actually played fairly." Hermione shouted through Jordan's mic.

  Theo and Ron's favorite part of late night Quidditch was the junk food buffet that the house elves would prepare for them since they basically ate their weight in food, and sometimes they would even crash at each other's dormitories. (A/N this part about the Quidditch was a head-cannon that I found on Pinterest. This part is not my actual work but for whoever's it is I would like to give them credit)

  "Welcome to the Slytherin common room, Granger. Enjoying the lake view?" Draco said as he approached Hermione who seemed to just be staring out the window, and not pigging out on the food like everyone else. Draco didn't seem that interested in the food either.

  "It's finally peaceful. It took 17 years, but we finally got it."

  "The late night Quidditch games were the times that we could enjoy some fun, and no teachers were around." Draco said as he finished up his meal.

  "Alright then, what made Hogwarts so terrible?" The look on his face already gave his answer away. She wished she could take her question back, but it was too late. "Actually just forget that I said anything.."

  "No, Granger. It's fine. Each one of us had to grow up too quickly with something that was bigger than ourselves. Those first years now are probably thinking that they're going to have the time of their life at that school. I know, I thought the same thing, however, they don't get any interesting interruptions like we did." Draco tried to finish his sad statement with a joke. "That part was probably seeing Dumbledore's disappointed face, especially when he glanced at the mark on my arm. It's almost as though he was disappointed in who I had made of myself rather than what was about to happen what night. I regret that night so much, and it's like he saw what I was dealing with."

  "Long ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please, let me help you."

  "But you're an Auror now. You've come far from where you were. You may think you're a bad person but you're not. You just come from a bad place."

  He placed his knife and fork down on his plate and looked up at her before leaning back in his chair. "What about you, Granger? What was the best part about Hogwarts?"

  "The library."

  He scoffed at her answer. Of course that would be her answer. Why did he even ask? He simply rolled his eyes. ".. and the worst?", he asked.

  "Snape's classes." After Hermione answered his question he looked right into her eyes.

  "You're lying."


  "You're lying. You say it's Snape classes, but you're using it as a cover up. Come on, Granger. Tell me the truth. It was me calling you a Mudblood wasn't it?"

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